On every person’s life, birthday is always a special day and a day to be celebrated with family and friends. If today is your birthday, you should be thanking God for another birthday. So in other to help you in thanking God for another year of life, we have written 20 thank you God for my birthday messages, prayers and quotes that you can use on your social media.
Thank You God for My Birthday
There are beautiful sights for which I am grateful I have eyes to see. For my heart that beats all day, Lord I have come to say thank you, even for my birthday.
Lord, I thank you for all the answered prayers through the years. And I am grateful for another year you have added to seek your face in truth and spirit. Happy birthday to me from you.
Lord, I thank you for your mercy and grace which are new every morning since I have been on this planet earth. I thank you for your help to see another birthday of mine. I love you, Lord.
For the eyes you have given me to see, the legs to walk and hands to work through all these years, I have come to thank you, dear Lord, for my birthday and many more to come.
Appreciating God for My Birthday
Below are prayers of appreciation to God for your birthday.
For the gift of life and the promises you have for me in your word, Lord, I have come to say thank you for another year in your loving-kindness. I have come to bless you for making it possible for me to see another birthday. I am grateful, my God.
Lord, I thank you for your salvation and love which are pure and free. I magnify your name for being the giver of everything that pertains to life and godliness. I dedicate this birthday to you, Lord.
Lord, for taking away my darkness and giving me your light for all these years, bearing my burdens, pains and shames, healing me of all sicknesses and diseases and granting me sound health by your name… I have come to say thank you, Lord. Thank you for another year from you to me.
With outstretched arms and songs of praise, I have come to bless you for adding another year to my life. Thank you for making me see another birthday. I am grateful, Lord.
Lord, I Am Grateful for My Birthday
Powerful words for thanking God for another year of life.
No matter how hard I try, I won’t be able to thank you enough for all you have done and will ever do. I am so grateful to be called yours. Thanks for all the birthdays from time past, today’s and the ones to come.
I have walked through the shadows of death, been troubled on all sides too. I have had my share of pains and agonies… But in it all, you have been my stay. I therefore dedicate this birthday to you, Lord, as gratitude for all you have done.
For the daylight that welcomes each day, For the sunshine to make my daily hay, And for the abundant air that I breathe, Oh Lord, I thank you for them all always. I’m grateful that they always make my day. And, see how they graced my birthday, today!
My heart, soul, spirit and body belong to the true and holy God. I’ve come to revere you like I’ve always done, for the life that you give and the strength to celebrate it yearly.
Dear Lord, thank you for this birthday and for everything. I love you. Lord, here I come, I confess that there is none else beside you. I bow here, where I find my daily rest, knowing that without you, this birthday wouldn’t be. So I say, I’m grateful for the life that you gave. I love you, Lord.
Lord, I am here before you today. Celebrating another year of your grace And there are things I would love to say But my mouth can’t just verbalise them all! Can I talk of all you have freely given me? Or your blessings which are great but unseen? Each time I think about it all, I sigh… And I just must open up, with a grateful heart… And say Thank You, Lord. Yes, thank you, dear Lord!
I am aware that a thousand tongues will not be enough to sing your praise. So no matter how much I try, I can’t just thank you enough for all you have invested in me to see my birthday again. I’m grateful, Lord.
Quotes For Thanking God for Another Birthday.
You have made all things beautiful, and I am one. You have made the seasons and ordered them to favour me. You have been from ages and have been all I’ve ever desired. You have been the reason for all the birthdays I celebrate. So I’ve come to thank you for being a father and friend. I love you, Lord.
To me, you have been the God of awesome wonders whose power I have tasted. Indeed, you have shown me so much mercy, even much more than I deserve. My eyes have seen Your goodness and my ears have heard of your untold wonders. And today, I have come to bless you for everything you are to me. Thank you, Lord, for another year of your favour.
I’ve seen you In all the paths I’ve followed, in every move I made. You have been the source of inspiration for everything I ever did right. You have been a friend I can call on anytime, any day. You have been my all in all, and the reason this birthday is possible. Thank you, dear Lord.
I was once lost but your grace found me. Yes, I was blind to the awesomeness of knowing you but mercy gave me sight. Lord, I belong to you and I want it to be this way, forever. Lord, today, I proclaim that You will be all I’ll live for. Amen. Thank you, God, for making me see another year.
Glorious God, beautiful King and excellent God, I have come to bow before your throne and worship at your feet. And I will do this all my life because you’re the only one who is worthy to receive all the glory. Thank you for another birthday of mine, dear Lord.