Niece is a daughter of one of our relatives. From one’s brother or sister. Being an aunt or uncle comes with fun and the responsibility to show down to your niece who is a girl that needs care and love to be protected and kept safe from the world.
Nieces play an important part in your life: they are there to be loved and adored.

As a new auntie or uncle, we often wonder what to say to our nieces. They are the gems of your life, and you want to tell them how much they mean to you.
Hoping you never run out of cute things to say to your beautiful niece, we have curated this list of quotes and wishes for her birthday ,graduation, wedding or for when she has a child herself. You can use these niece quotes and wishes for your great-niece.
Niece Quotes
1. A niece is a joy to remember your whole life through. My favorite person in the entire world calls me Aunt. A niece is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
2. My niece, my little princess, you totally rule my heart. In the story of my life you are the best part. Your sweet smile and magical ways bring happiness in my life and joy that stays forever.
3. I will always support your dreams. I started to love you way before I ever even met you. Your mom taught me a lot of the things I know, trust her. I want you to take your health seriously, mentally and physically.
4. No matter what life throws at you my Niece, I am always here for you. I am so thankful for you
5. My niece is the greatest gift of all.
6. Nieces are like sunshine on a rainy day. A niece is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart.
7. To have a niece as wonderful as you makes me one of the lucky few. Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my new favorite day.
8. No matter what life throws at you my Niece, I am always here for you. Our bond as aunt and niece is special. I know you can feel how much I love you. So, never forget that your aunt can do anything for you!
9. Nieces are like sunshine on a rainy day. A niece is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart. All nieces are brilliant and beautiful…and obviously take after their aunt.
10. She’s a different kind of BFF. One who is a little younger, and finds you so cool just because you care and have grown-up clothes in your closet. As she gets older, you might become her shoulder to cry on, but right now, you have so many smiles and snacks you need to share.
Niece Love Quotes
11. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Don’t trap yourself in gender roles, your mom and I do things in opposite fields. Notice things that make you happy and continue to do them. Don’t be afraid to be smart.
12. For your birthday I thought we should do something we both love to do, annoy the mess out of your parents! Happy birthday to my adorable partner in crime.
13. You’re not just my niece, you’re my supercute fantastic awesomely amazingly cool niece. Whew! And now I have just enough breath to say Happy Birthday!
14. Happy birthday, sweetie! You are growing up to be such a beautiful woman, my dear niece! You make your aunt and uncle proud each and every day!
15. An aunt and a niece, there is a special bond that grows with time. Nieces are like flowers that brighten your day. Of the many blessings in my life, I count you as a main one, my niece.
16. The moment my niece came into the world, I realized that logic can’t make sense of someone who’s so brand new to you.
17. As your aunt, I will guide you, love you, and spoil you. She got it from me. Being a sister is priceless, but being an aunt is an honor.
18. You are my niece and I will always love you for who you are. The day you were born, I became the luckiest aunt in the worldI will cherish you forever, my beautiful niece.
19. I’d rather be the cool aunt than the authoritative aunt. To have your niece lie in your arms is the greatest gift from God. They call me aunt because a partner in crime makes me sound like a bad influence.
20. Nieces bring happiness and joy. They are so different from boys. They are full of love and surprises too. They make life special, not blue.
Birthday Quotes For Niece
21. Don’t save your gratitude for Thanksgiving Day. Be thankful every day. Watch “A Christmas Story” every Christmas, but also the Snow Globe. Your mom will love it. Every girl should have THAT crazy Aunt. Aunt Mish was THAT for me and I am THAT for you.
22. Your mother I may not be, But I love you and you bring such glee.A birthday wish for you, my Niece,
23. May you have a wonderful year ahead of you. May all your dreams come true.
24. Everything is nicer when shared with a niece! To have your niece lie in your arms is the greatest gift from God. I love you as if you were my own child.
25. If you think I’m cute, you should see my niece. Warning: This picture is cuteness overload. My favorite person in the entire world calls me Aunt.
26. You might be surprised, but I want you to know that having a niece like you makes my life complete. Happy birthday to you. Have fun! Being your aunt is such a wonderful thing. You bring joy and light into my life. Have a very special birthday. I wish you more wonderful years ahead.
27. The fire department is on standby and the fire extinguisher is under the table! Time to blow out the candles on your cake! Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece!
28. Happy Birthday. I am so lucky to have a wonderful niece like you in my life. I love you! Happy Birthday. You are a gift to the world. Have a great birthday.
29. Niece, I want to take this day to tell you how grateful I am that you were born. Without you, my life would have been so empty. I am so fortunate to have such a daring, stunning, and loving niece like you. Happy birthday!
30. I’ve known you as a precious baby girl, a sweet little princess, and now, a cherished friend. You mean a lot to me, sweetheart, and I wish you the best birthday ever.
Happy Birthday Niece Quotes
31. Happy birthday to a very special niece! Is it your birthday AGAIN? Stop getting older! You’re starting to catch up to me! Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece! Another year older and another year wiser!
32. You truly are the most precious little girl and I am so blessed to have you in my life! I’m proud to call myself your aunt! opMay you continue to grow up so beautifully, my princess!
33. Niece, you and I are like donuts with cream cheese: we make the best combo! May your special day be filled with lots of sweet people and even sweeter treats. Happy birthday Niece!
34. Happy Birthday to my little niece! Of course, I won’t be able to say “little” much longer at the rate you’re growing!
35. Happy birthday, my princess! To have a lovely little niece like you is a true blessing. May your birthday be as beautiful as your soul is!
36. I truly love you, not just because you are my niece, but because you are a wonderful human being. Happy birthday. Since the day you were born, the word “Aunt” has taken on a special new meaning for me. I wish you a happy birthday and more success in life.
37. Statistics show that nieces are way better than nephews! I’m so glad we got the better end of the bargain! Best wishes, niece!
38. Happy Birthday. Sending you a special birthday wish to my wonderful niece. Enjoy your day! Happy Birthday to my sweetest niece! Wishing you a great year!
39. On my cloudiest days in life, you are a beautiful rainbow. Thank you for always bringing light, laughter, and love into my life. May your year be chock full of wondrous moments.
40. Here you are on graduation day! I am so proud of you I must say You have grown up so fast. And now your school days are over. Happy Graduation I’m so proud of you, my Niece.
Cute I Love My Niece Quotes
41. Never quit my Niece. Integrity you always show. Enthusiasm in all you do. Choose to be happy. Example to others you are!
42. I always knew that you are going to do something big…. Congratulations on taking the first step towards your goal… Happy Graduation!!!
43. Seeing you graduate is much like watching my own daughter succeed. I’m proud to call myself your aunt, and I believe in everything you do. Make me proud as you get started with your thriving career.
44. I’ve been there for your high school graduation, and now you’ve completed college. Your uncle and I have always thought of you as one of our own daughters. I could not be more excited to see what you become in the future.
45. Congrats on your outstanding achievement. Wishing you all the best for the future and all its challenges and opportunities.
46. It is your hard work and commitment towards your studies that has helped you pass with wonderful scores…. Warm wishes on elementary graduation.
47. Believe it or not, you’re the first woman in the family to graduate college. My favorite niece has turned into a true career girl. Ever since you were a little baby, you had a strong determination about you.
48. My beautiful niece has proven to the world that she is smart too. There are few people in this world that have that delicate balance of both. As your uncle, I feel that I am partially responsible for your achievement. I wish you a lot of wealth and happiness throughout your future.
49. Cheers to the new graduate – let’s celebrate your success! I’m sending you my best wishes for a successful future. Job well done! Here’s to your exciting new future and all the happiness that comes with it.
50. Happy Birthday to my fabulous niece. You’re perfect in every way – I don’t care what your parents say about your teen years.
Happy Birthday To My Niece Quotes
51. Happy birthday to a fabulous niece from a fabulous aunt! You only become sweeter and more gorgeous with each passing year, my dear!
52. Happy Anniversary of your 29th Birthday my beautiful niece! You’ve grown into such a lovely, elegant woman! May God Bless you with a lifetime of happiness and love!
53. I plan to take trips with you and always help you explore. Learning to tolerate exercise early will pay off later. Your parents are the greatest people I know. Remember that the girl in the magazine doesn’t even look like the girl in the magazine.
54. My Niece, watching you learn and grow over the years is a privilege that only an Aunt would know. I love my Niece because of all the joy she has brought into my life.
55. To be on television and have my nieces and nephews see me, and seeing them wear my shirt to the games and be proud, it’s so sweet. Sometimes it feels like it’s just a dream.
56. Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have always will. I may not always be there beside you, but I will always be there for you.
57. The first time I saw you I fell in love with you. A precious Niece, a gift from God. Love is that magical, elusive feeling that really seizes us and takes us from the inside. To me, it’s in the corners of my niece’s little smile, or when I see my mother is calling me.
58. A niece is someone special to remember with warmth, think of with pride, and cherish with love. My dear niece, when you called me Uncle for the first time, I felt old, but now I feel incredibly lucky.
59. To my niece, you are a joy to my heart and a delight to my eyes. You are a precious gift to our entire family and a wonderful addition to our lives.
60. Spend time with your family. Nobody loves you more. Have girl friends, but guy friends are just as good. Always remember birthdays and show up to celebrate your friend’s accomplishments.
Funny Niece Quotes
61. You are awesome and amazing too. I could wish for no better Niece than you! If Nieces were flowers I would pick you. I could not have supposed that a niece would ever have been so much to me. She is quiet after one’s own heart.
62. I didn’t give birth to you but raised you in my heart. You’re my life and I always love and care for you. I know God has the best plan for the best niece in the world! Love you a lot!h
63. You are the best niece ever, your thoughtfulness and caring ways make you special in many ways. Being your Aunt is a pleasure especially to you my Niece. You have made a positive difference in my life.
64. I was the one who taught my sister and my niece how to walk in high heels. I am officially allowed to allow my niece to do the things her parents have not allowed her to do.
65. You are my niece, which gives you the official right to ask me for treats without feeling guilty. I am your aunt, which gives me the official right to spoil you without taking responsibility.
66. Whenever your dad grounds you, whenever your mom scolds you, whenever your teachers punish you, whenever your friends tease you – always remember that you have an aunt who is waiting to hug you.
67. My Niece, watching you learn and grow over the years is a privilege that only an Aunt would know. The day our Niece was born our family was blessed.
68. With you, I get to play with fairies, ride with unicorns, swim with mermaids, and fly to the moon. Why yes, I have a picture of my niece. Thank you for asking.
69. To my niece, you are a joy to my heart and a delight to my eyes. You are a wonderful addition to this family. To have a niece as wonderful and funny as you, makes me one of the few lucky in the world.
70. You are my niece, which gives you the official right to ask me for treats without feeling guilty. I am your aunt, which gives me the official right to spoil you without taking responsibility. How perfect.
My Niece Quotes
71. Do the right thing even when people aren’t looking. It is actually okay to measure a boy against the greatness of your dad…and to rule him out if he doesn’t make the cut. Appreciate the beach and its beauty. It’s a big part of your mom’s childhood. As your aunt, I will guide you, love you, and without a doubt I will spoil you.
72. Why should I marry? One marries to have children, but I already have many children ! My nieces and ws are my children.
73. A niece is someone special to remember with warmth, think of with pride, and cherish with love. If nephews and nieces were jewels, I would have the most beautiful gems ever.
74. Happiness is spending time with this little one. Cool aunts host tea parties and invite all the stuffed animals. Too much cuteness to handle. Proceed with caution.
75. You may not have my eyes or smile but from the very first moment I laid my eyes on you, suddenly you had my heart.
76. Happiness is… a little niece’s tight hug. If Nieces were flowers I would pick you. Everything is nicer when shared with a niece!
77. I am greatly pleased with your account of Fanny; I found her in the summer just as you describe, almost another sister, I could not have supposed that a niece would ever have been so much to me. She is quiet after one’s own heart.
78. I love you as if you were my own child. I am here for you no matter what state either of us is in. Your mom has the final say, but I’m always here for another opinion. You don’t have to be afraid to come to me with anything.
79. Never forget, my Niece, you can do anything that you put your mind to. Nieces, like friends but even cooler. It’s really special to have a niece because I have a son, so I get to have a little girl, too.
80. Love is that magical, elusive feeling that really seizes us and takes us from the inside. To me, it’s in the corners of my niece’s little smile, or when I see my mother is calling me.
Graduation Quotes For Niece
81. sweet on this little munchkin. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. Here together or miles apart, a niece like you stays in my heart. My niece is brilliant and beautiful. Obviously, she takes after me.
82. Happy birthday to the world’s most adorable niece! I hope that your big day is filled with too many happy moments to count and that you receive everything you wish for. You deserve to have every happiness in life.
83. You can’t spell “niece” without “nice.” Although “nice” doesn’t even begin to describe how great you are.
84. You are growing up so fast, my dear niece, my only wish is that you slow down so that I can savor and cherish these glorious years!
85. The word “Awesome Uncle” would be meaningless if there wasn’t a “Wonderful niece” like you. We are such a perfect family. Happy birthday.
86. A niece is someone as beautiful, talented, and intelligent as her favorite aunt—me of course! Happy Birthday to my amazing niece!
87. Happy Birthday To My Sweet Niece. May the sun shine brightly on your very special day, and may you always know your true worth. You are a brave and beautiful soul. I wish you the happiest of birthdays, and a wonderful year!
88. I’m not sure how it happened, but you have managed to ensnare my heart with your cute and adorable ways. I hope your birthday is even half as delightful as you are.
89. Happy Birthday to a niece I am totally crazy about. Of course I would never try to buy your love, but just out of curiosity, do you accept credit?
90. Happy birthday to my sweet niece, your beautiful smile is infectious! Always be happy and never stop smiling, my dear!
Special Niece Quotes
91. I have a particular set of skills. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I don’t know where you live and I don’t know who you are but I will find you… and wish you a joyful birthday, niece.
92. I can’t describe how lucky I am to call you my niece. Count on me anytime because you are very important in my life. I love you my darling.
93. Congratulations niece. Your wedding day will come and go, I wish your love grows forever. Little girls made of sugar and spice grow up to be darling young women that we call our niece.
94. Aunts and nieces, there’s something you must know. As time flies and years pass by, their love tends to grow. In the grueling journey of life, when everything else withers away, an aunt and a niece’s bond, is something that will always stay
95. It’s better to have a few good friends rather than a ton of fake ones. People suck sometimes, but that’s how you learn. You are beautiful. You are always more than enough.
96. Nieces bring happiness and joy. They are so different from boys. They are full of love and surprises too.They make life special, not blue.
97. TBH, we are the best aunt-niece pair in the world. I never dreamed I would be a super cool aunt, but here I am crushing it, because of you. Leather jacket twinning. Felt cute. Might go play dress-up later.
98. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. Here together or miles apart, a niece like you stays in my heart.
99. Niece, you may not be here with me… But thoughts of you are always in my hand… I miss you! Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share love like a friend.
100. A niece is very special! She’s the child of someone dear. She’s the person I can spoil whether far or near. As years pass by I hope you know how much you mean to me, and as you make your way in life, with you I will always be.
101. Please, don’t be too hard on yourself. Show kindness to every person you see. Strong and healthy is better than skinny. That boy is not your future. YOU are your future. Be a warrior, but also know it’s totally okay to be a mess sometimes.