Do you have a boyfriend who is always showing love to you, who cares for you and buys gifts for you? If yes, are you looking for how to make him smile? You can make a guy smile by sending some cute love messages to him. Every guy out there will always be happy to receive love messages from their girlfriend.
Love text massages for a guy to make his smile is very simple, you cant start by texting him; You’re my whole world. I’d be lost without you. Just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you right now. I wish I was in your arms. I love you more than you will ever know. You make my heart beat out of my chest.
The next paragraph contains a huge collection of love text messages that you can send to your boyfriend to make him smile and happy. Kindly scroll down and check them out.
Cute Love Messages For Him
1. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel lucky to have you. I love you, Babe.
2. You know how I like to remind you of things. Well, today I’m reminding you that you’re the best husband in the world. I love you.
3. Even a thousand suns don’t shine brighter than your smile. You light up my life in every possible way. Never stop doing that!
4. Every dream I have about you seems so real. Now I know you have become a part of my life even when I am asleep. You are always on my mind.
5. I don’t need coffee in the morning. I just need to think about you, and pretty soon I start to feel giddy about what the new day will bring. Your love is the ultimate stimulant.
6. Since the time I’ve met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder and smile all the more, just because I have you, my life is a better place.
7. Being with you is the easiest choice I have ever made, and I’m so lucky I get to make it every day. I love you more every day.
8. The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!
9. Do you even know how special you are? I wouldn’t trade you for all the heartthrobs in Hollywood. Anyways I Just wanted to let you know that I love you. That’s all.
10. Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more than I already do, you prove me wrong. Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey.
Deep Love Messages For Him
11. Sweetie, your touch makes me feel like I have never been touched before. Your smile brings me so much peace and joy. Your voice is music to my ears. I love you so much, I want to scream about it from every mountain top.
12. I love your honesty, your passion, your resilience, your courage, your partnership, and your smile. As we grow separately, we also grow together, and it’s truly a privilege.
13. I was lost and hopeless. But I kept praying for a savior to come in my life. God accepted my prayer and sent you. Now I owe you my life for eternity. Loving you madly is the only thing I can do perfectly!
14. Since you have come into my life, every moment I live is like a moment spent in heaven. I have never felt so much alive in life. I love you!
15. To be honest, I have been hurt so many times before i met you that I just couldn’t trust anyone. You changed my world completely. I will be forever grateful for your love, baby. My heart feels safe in your hands.
16. What else heaven can offer me if I already have you in life? I don’t know if I’m dead or alive. I just know that I’m in love!
17. You are the sweetest beginning of a never-ending love story. You are the prince charming and I’m the princess in the story.
18. Your love pierced my heart like a sword, and it’s for you to heal me now. Don’t ever leave me because I’m nothing without you!
19. Behind your macho stature, there’s a cuteness that spills over in the way you care and fuss over me. Don’t ever stop.
20. Love, in this big galaxy, you are the center of my universe. This is why I will always gravitate towards you. Be mine forever, will you?
Sweet Love Message For Him
21. I may not be the perfect girlfriend, but I know how to love you like no one does and no one will never do. Because I love you more than myself.
22. I was crawling in darkness before you showed up. You took my soul away from its hiding place. I love you my loving sweet darling!
23. When you walk into the room, my stomach does backflips. When you look into my eyes, it sends tingles through my body. It would take a paranormal investigator to figure out what you do to me.
24. I want you to know that there’s no one who can replace you. The way you look, the way you always know what I am thinking about. I LOVE YOU!!!
25. Your smile takes my breath away. It took my breath away on the day we met, on our wedding day, today, and every day in between.
26. It takes great luck to have someone like you as a boyfriend. I feel blessed every day and every moment for this gift. I will love you till my last breath no matter what life brings before us!
27. I wish every day you could see yourself the way I see you. Because I see you as absolutely perfect. When I put my arms around you, I never want to let you go.
28. The way you listen to me is priceless. You have touched me more profoundly than I ever thought you could. I love you.
29. I’m the happiest woman in the world when I’m with you. It doesn’t matter if we’re out on the town, in front of the TV, or… doing other things. Being with you just feels right.
30. The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!
Romantic Love Messages For Him
31. If I was asked what my favourite drink was, I would mention your name. You quench my thirst. I love you. Good night!
32. I could never say how much I like you, and just how special you are to me. But I can say that my world all smiles whenever I am with you. I love you a lot.
33. I want to say I love you in a thoroughly non-corny way, but nothing comes to mind, so let me just say this: I love you. Good morning my baby boo
34. Only you can kiss me a thousand times a day and each kiss would feel like the first kiss I ever had in my life.
35. You know every trick to make my heart melt like April snow. I am so lucky that you’re in my life. The love I have for you will never fade!
36. I find comfort in your silence, encouragement in your words and peace in your embrace. You are true love and I’m happy I found you.
37. When we first met, I thought you were the coolest, handsomest guy in the world. Now I see that you’re so much more. There’s a kind and loving heart under that gorgeous exterior. Good morning!!
38. I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Everyday seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky.
39. Thanks for being my strong and sensitive guy all these years. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
40. You give me a reason to wake up every day, a dream to fight for, a life worth living off. I love you my young man.
Love Messages For Him From The Heart
41. I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.
42. Waking up next to you every morning and your warm fingers caressing my skin is the only thing I want for my future. Please always stay by me, Love.
43. They say love can’t be seen, it can only be felt. But they were wrong. I have seen it many times. I have seen true love for me in your eyes. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!
44. Sweetie, I just love you because of you. I love you because every part of you makes every part of me insanely happy. I love you, and that’s all that matters to me.
45. All of me loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges; all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me. I’ll give my all to you.
46. I don’t want the world, I don’t want the skies, I don’t want the moon, I just want you in my share. Love you a lot, my love.
47. You carry my heart with you. As long as you’re with me, I have nothing to fear because I know my heart is safe with you.
48. I feel honored to be in love with you with all of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love with me. It’s a truly wonderful gift. I will forever love you my prince charming.
49. Thanks for being there for me always. I have never known anyone who could love with such intensity. For me, you are the best lover in this world. Good night my king!
50. Keep me embraced with your arms, as for me being in your arms is the safest place in the world. I love you.
Love Text Messages For Him
51. I love you so much that I feel like I can choke you with my bare hands. Is it weird? This energy is just so powerful, I have so many feelings for you it makes me go crazy. I will do anything to stay with you forever.
52. My heart had a hole in it but then you came and filled it with love unbound. I can’t think of any other person who could do such a miracle in my life. Good night my love.
53. Your love is the reason why my days are so full of colors, my life is so full of happiness and my nights are so full of dreams!
54. I don’t want to live without you even a single day. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I’ll cherish you in my heart forever!
55. For me, you are the definition of love. Everything you do makes me feel so much love and appreciation of what I have with you. There’s nothing more important than us, baby. I will love you till the end of time.
56. They say this kind of love is once in a lifetime, and I know you are the one for me. I offer you all of me today and for always. Thank you for showing me how it feels to be loved.
57. I want to plan now and forever with you. This love we share is enough for a lifetime. On my own, I can’t last a day. But with you, I would take on every new day like a Queen whose King is bae!
58. Thanks my sweetheart and hubby, You are there when I feel sad, You are there when my mood is bad, You always support me in life, You are the only reason why I survive, Love you!
59. At one point in my life I just stopped believing that someone will ever love me unconditionally. My heart breaks into million little pieces because of the power of love that I have for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
60. After a while I started to doubt if you were real or just a dream. All men have virtues but you are the King of the pack, strong and loving me to bits. Every passing moment with you is a memory to cherish.
Most Touching Love Messages For Him
61. You were already on my mind when I woke up this morning. Funny how I just can’t stop thinking about you. Six months ago we hadn’t even met, and now you are the most important person in my life.
62. I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.
63. Every single cell of my body is in love with every cell of yours. Isn’t it obvious? I’m head over heels. I’ve never felt like this before, and I will do anything to make it last forever. Let’s make it last forever together.
64. I will never forget the moment when my soul found its eternal mate in you. Baby, I promise you forever because I cannot live without you! Love you sweetheart!
65. I don’t want to wait until a birthday or anniversary to tell my BOO how much I love him. You are incredible, and I’m so lucky to have you.
66. Thank you for always making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Next time I hug you, I probably won’t let go for a long time.
67. Everyone has their own motivation to get up in the morning and face the day. You are mine. Whenever my phone vibrates, I hope you’re the reason for it.
68. I’m the happiest human being alive, because I have you. I see you in everything. I know you are special, and the fact that you are mine makes me feel special as well. Thank you for everything, I love you.
69. You are an eternal companion to my soul, for you have been there in my ups and downs, in happiness and sorrow. I will hold onto you forever.
70. I won’t pay you mindless compliments and I won’t flatter you just to make you feel good. Every time I tell you how much you mean, believe me. That’s exactly what you are.
Long Love Messages For Him Copy and Paste
71. Every time I try to keep my heart away from you, it revolts and escapes. My heart finds you and wants to be locked up in you forever!
72. I couldn’t have imagined that a man can be as kind and loving as you are. I love you with every piece of my heart, and I would never trade you for anybody else. Your every flaw is perfect to me. Thank you for being my man.
73. I found you, not because you were lost but because I was lost. You are the anchor I needed just when I was about turning back, you reached out. You saved me. I love you always.
74. Even though we’ve only been together a short time, I feel such a strong connection to you. You’re a beautiful person, inside and out. Whatever happens with us, I hope I can always have you in my life.
75. I need you so much that it hurts to say goodbye. I only want to say hello and hug you. Leaving you for a moment is like the worst thing that could happen. But I am always happy knowing you’ll always be mine.
76. Nothing is impossible as long as we are together. The love I have for you makes me feel like ain’t no mountain high enough to keep me from getting to you, baby! I love you like the Moon loves the Earth, and just like the Moon, I will always be somewhere around you.