Seeing a new day in a new month for most people is a sign of relief that they are moving forward, attaining their heart desires and progressing, while to some people it is a dawn of uncertainty but with the love from their loved ones by sending them a special new month message it spurs them to life.
Each month comes with its surprises, expectations, fun, adventure and of course, troubles. The troubles come to shake you a little bit but will leave you more robust than ever.
Depending on your preparedness and alertness, some events you did not budget or plan for just pop up and shake you off balance so, it is wise to start the month with prayers.

“Any month I take out time to pray comes with great surprises but the other months I get too tired and forget to pray. It comes with lots of challenges that could make me lose my mind. Nonetheless, in as much as you’d want to begin your month with heartfelt prayers and wishes, it is also necessary to extend this love to the beautiful people you have been blessed with.
Here are Happy New Month Prayers for all you can ever think of – from friends to boyfriend or girlfriend, husband, wife, crush, colleague or co-worker.
Happy New Month Prayers To My Love
1. In this new month, God will always meet you at the point of your need and He will grant all your good heart desires. And may God bless you beyond your wildest dreams today and throughout this month and always. Happy New Month!
2. This month, the Lord will crown your efforts and establish you as the head. All your prayers will be answered and your dreams shall come true. God bless you my darling. Have a blessed month.
3. You will shine like the sun and be precious as the diamonds. No matter what happens, you will always be at the top. I wish you a month that will shine as you shine. It is a month of possibilities. Enjoy the new month.
4. May the blessing of the Lord be blended with your success in life; I just want to make sure I say happy new month.
5. In the new month I shall be above only, the Lord shall be the anchor to my new heights of success and prosperity in Jesus name. Amen.
6. May you rise above every problem that sticks to your destiny; I just want to say happy new month my friend.
7. May this month bring to you double grace, double abundance, double honor, double promotion, double portion and double everything, by God’s grace. Amen. Happy new month to you.
8. The year is fast advancing and it’s a pleasure to know that you are equally advancing in all areas of your life. Happy new month my precious.
9. In this New Month, I wish you a glorious and fantastic start. It’s a brand new month for you to fulfill all your desires which are surely feasible. Happy new month.
10. May the month of May bring an abundance of happiness and blessings your way. May it bring awesome accomplishments and may it be full of amazing moments and beautiful memories for you. Happy New Month, my beautiful friend.
New Month Prayers And Blessings
11. A new month is here sweetheart. You will be the head and never the tail. You will be above always and never beneath. Go darling and do us proud. I believe in you.
12. May every day of this new month have little doses of joy and love. You are a star, so shine all through the new month. All these and many more do I wish you this month and every day of your life. Welcome to a fantastic month.
13. Wishing you the most beautiful things in this new month as you aspire for the hope of God. May you be loved by everyone!
14. Beyond my wildest imaginations and dreams, my Lord will enrich me with pleasant surprises to the praise of His name in the new month. Amen.
15. May there be pleasant surprises, loads of joy and infinite happiness for you, this month, in Jesus name. Happy new month.
16. It’s another new blank book of 30-31 days! Nothing will stand in your way. This is your month of divine favor and breakthrough. I want to celebrate with you this month. Happy New Month.
17. As this new month begins, I really hope you let go of your burdens, sorrows and begin a fresh chapter of your life filled with peace, love, and everything nice and bright. Happy new month.
18. My prayer for you in this new month is that the new month brings you new and exciting news that will gladden your heart today, all through the month and beyond. And may this beautiful new month bring you peace of mind and body. Happy New Month!
19. The month is new, and so is my love for you. In this new month, I wish you nothing but good tidings, blessings, joy, and peace of mind. May this new month marks the beginning of great and beautiful things in your life. Happy New Month, my love.
20. Remain true always to who you are. Stay connected to your core values. May you never lose yourself in the midst of life’s challenges. Happy new month.
Happy New Month Prayer Messages
21. You shall shine so bright that no darkness will be able to comprehend your brightness. Happy New Month to you, my lovely friend.
22. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of this month and all the days of your life. You will not lack any good things. You will not suffer from hunger. Happy new month my dear friend.
23. No matter what happens this new month, may the Lord remember you among the most blessed people ever!
24. May you always be the head and never the tail. May you be above only in your area of expertise and never beneath no matter comes your way. Happy new month, my love.
25. In this new month, where your mates or colleagues are saying there’s casting down, there shall always be lifting up for you, in Jesus name. Happy new month.
26. In this new month, you shall experience God’s peace, blessings and grace like never before. Happy New Month to you, my good friend.
27. This month, you will be unstoppable. You will not be conquered and all your prayers will be answered speedily. Have a great month ahead.
28. Wishing all my friends a wonderful new month. I am wishing you all the best in everything you are doing this new month.
29. Never give up, stand your ground, go for your set goals this month and always because you can achieve all and God shall supply all grace that’s needed. Amen. I believe in you, darling. Happy new month to you.
30. Cheers to the new month that came with love. I appreciate every day you face, as I am grateful for how amazing you have been in my life. Challenges will happen, but I trust you to handle them all — happy new month, dear.
New Month Quotes And Prayers
31. May you triumph over your enemies and may God destroy all forms of wretchedness in your life in this month and beyond. Happy new month.
32. As you step into a new month, you will achieve all that you set your mind to in Jesus name, Amen. Happy New Month, my dearest friend.
33. Every second of this new month will count towards your greatness. May all your days be awesome. Have a great month ahead.
34. Anyone who attempts to stand in the way of a moving train will be crushed. No one dares stand in your way this month, darling. Go on and prosper. May this month herald in greatness for you. Happy new month.
35. I wish you the head of unmeasurable wisdom and a heart with an abundance of love this new month. I am the happiest person in the world to say a happy new month to you. May you excel this new month. I wish you the best, always.
36. This month shall favor everyone as we raise our hands up for the blessing of the Lord. Happy new month to you all.
37. In the new month, I become a voice to reckon with both far and near. Stagnation shall have no place around my dwelling. I break new grounds to achieve all my dreams and aspirations. Amen.
38. I just want to quickly say happy new month; may you find whatever your heart desires achievable gradually.
39. In this new month, may you always testify as you live, and may you receive more than a downpour of rain of blessings? Happy new month.
40. It’s a new month, which means it’s another fresh start. Purpose in your heart, be resolved to do exploits. Nothing will stop you from achieving unprecedented success. Happy new month.
New Month Blessings
41. May this new month in your life mark the start of greater things to you and family; wish you a happy new month!
42. God will bless you with all that you need to fulfill your dreams and purposes in life. So, stay strong, be focused and stay positive, because, with God, nothing is impossible. Happy New Month to you, my sweet friend.
43. No one dares stand in your way this month. You will crush them like egg shells under your feet. Go and do exploits. Happy New Month.
44. Wishing you a fantastic new month that will come with the remedy to your past pain. I ask the Lord to honor you beyond imagination.
45. You shall be above only throughout the new month and forward ever shall be your portion. It’s going to be a great month dearie. God’s abounding blessing shall be with you always.
46. My wish for you this new month is too much to start listing, but among all, I wish you robust health and happiness all through the days of this new month. Welcome the new month with a joyous heart.
47. This month and beyond, all the impossibilities in your life, family and business will become possible in Jesus name. Happy new month to you.
48. May all the struggles of the previous month yield lasting fruits for you in this new month. And I pray that God will elevate you in all your endeavors today and all through the month. Happy New Month!
49. By the time this month is over, you will have every reason to be thankful because you will enjoy unprecedented blessings. Happy new month.
50. Wishing you all the best on this earth as we make it to this new month. Remain blessed now and for the rest of your life.
51. Say to yourself I have got a big God on the inside of me so no fear is permitted to come near my dwelling. Happy new month, my sweetie. God is your strength and light.