Today or tomorrow may be the day you gave birth to that loving, caring and amazing son of yours, and you feel like celebrating him with powerful birthday prayers? Then, the following happy birthday prayers for my son have all it takes to make your male child feel important and loved on his birthday.
I hope these birthday prayers for your son will remind him of your unending love for him as a parent. These prayers will arouse the giant in him, he will grow up to become a worthy son and make you a proud parent.
Short Birthday Prayer for Son
I bless God for the opportunity of celebrating another special day with you. The Lord will bless and keep you; He will make His face shine on you.
At your crossroads, God will send you help and no plan of the enemy shall succeed in your life in Jesus mighty name, happy birthday dear.
You will live long to fulfil His purpose for your life. Your name shall not be found on any evil list, the Lord will defend you at all times. Happy birthday, son.
On this special day, may the good Lord who watches over the affairs of men continue to watch over you. May you be fruitful and flourish in everything you do.
Son, since you came into our lives you have been a testimony. You shall continue to be blessed by the Lord.
No plans of the evil one shall stand against you. The Lord will keep you under the wings of His protection. Happy birthday dear son.
Dear Lord, I thank you for the life of my son. As he celebrates this special day, may You continue to bless him in all that he does.
It is the dawn of another special day. One to recount God’s goodness for the blessing of a son like you.
God will engrave your name in the hearts of men because of the wonderful works He will use you to accomplish in His vineyard. Happy birthday, son.
I thank God for the privilege of celebrating another birthday with you. I thank God for His faithfulness over your life these past years.
Cute Birthday Prayers for My Son
Below is the best collection of cute birthday prayers for my son.
. Son, it’s another beautiful year of your life. May this never be the last, in Jesus’ name. Happy birthday, Son.
. Happy birthday to my wonderful Son. Grow in wisdom and understanding. Amen.
. Isn’t it amazing my boy has grown up to be a responsible adult? I pray may this day be colorful in Jesus’ name. Happy birthday to my son.
. You’ve been a great source of happiness to your father and I. I pray may you never stop making us happy in Jesus’ name. Happy birthday… Be good!
. You’re naughty, intelligent, nice, and fun to be with. You’re my strength. I pray for incomparable wisdom and knowledge of God upon you. A wonderful birthday to you.
Sweet Birthday Prayers for My Son
. I appreciate God in your life today, for keeping you this far. It can only be God. Happy birthday, dear son.
. You’ve always let me know that the love between a mother and child is the best thing. Thank you for your love. Happy birthday, my son.
. I thank God for giving to me a clear picture of my character. You’re the best son. Enjoy your birthday.
. Like the sun shines in the morning, may God’s goodness and kindness shine upon you from this year, and forever. Happy birthday, son.
. You understand me and you know when I’m happy or sad. You know what I want. Son, you complete me. As you’re a year older, many good things never cease to happen in your life. Happy birthday, my son.
Special Birthday Prayers for My Son
. God has brought you this far, not man. May you never stop doing God’s will. Happy birthday, darling son.
. The Lord that has made me conceive you, and made me deliver you without any problems, will never depart from you. Keep flourishing. Happy birthday, my son.
. You might not be where you’re supposed to be. But remember, you’re not where you used to be. May God connect you divinely as you start another year of your life. Happy birthday, son.
. I have always known you’ll grow to be a great man. Thank God for showing you the way. Happy birthday, son.
. As you’re a year older today, remember you’ve achieved a lot to thank God for. God has always been your backbone. And He will never depart from you. Happy birthday, best son.
Happy Birthday Blessings for My Son
. I thank God for the gift of a wonderful son. I love you very much, son. Happy birthday, and age gracefully.
. I celebrate with you as you add another glorious year. Happy birthday, my son. You’re lifted.
. I sing praises to God for giving me the opportunity to celebrate yet another year with you. May today mark the beginning of greater things in your life. Happy birthday, my strength.
. You lift my spirits up whenever I’m down and feel unaccepted by everyone. You’re the reason for my living. Great son. You’re the best son living. Happy birthday.
. On this beautiful day of your birth, I pray the Lord will continue to bless and keep you. His goodness and mercy will follow you today and all the days of your life.
Long Birthday Prayers for Son
. I thank God for His love and faithfulness over your life these past years. I thank Him for another special day like this, I am forever grateful He brought you into our lives. You are a bundle of joy and happiness. I thank Him for bringing you thus far in life and all the favors He has granted you. On this special day of your birth, the Lord will shower His blessings on you. He will keep you safe from all forms of evil and cause you to make the right choices at all times.
. I give God praise for the gift of a son like you. I thank Him for His faithfulness and mercy over your life all these years. May you continue to flourish in God’s blessings. His countenance shall shine on you. You will find favor in the eyes of men. The earth shall yield its increase for you and so you shall not lack. It shall be in agreement with you to fulfil God’s purpose for your life. You shall be a pillar in the house of the Lord. The eyes of the evil one shall not see you for no weapon formed against you shall prosper. The blood of Jesus will prevail over you, to shield you from every destructive plan of the devil, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. Have a blissful birthday.
. On this beautiful day, I bless God for His love and care over your life. As you celebrate your birthday today, may the good Lord meet all your needs according to His riches in glory. He shall shower His abundant blessings on you. He will cause men to favor you and you shall not lack. You will be influenced by God’s word in every crossroad of your life. You shall accomplish all that God wants you to in His vineyard. You shall not depart from His ways and you shall fulfil God’s heavenly purpose in every way. I bind every demonic influence on your life in Jesus’ name. God will protect you from every violence. Son, happy birthday.
. I thank God for another special day, the day when God sent you into our lives. I bless Him for His blessings and protection over your life. I thank God for the many good moments we have spent together, especially as a family. As you grow in age, you may also grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally and financially. The Lord will cause you to dwell in good health and everything you lay your hands on shall prosper. You shall do the work of God and excel in it. Your life will be a living sacrifice to God. The Lord will save you from darkness and despair. He will protect you from the eyes of the wicked. He will give you the grace to grow in wisdom, Amen. Happy birthday, my dear son.
. Son, it is your birthday again. I thank God for His faithfulness and goodness over your life all these years. I thank Him for His countless blessings and for giving you to us. I am filled with gratitude and joy for all that He has accomplished in your life; Lord, receive my praise in Jesus’ name, Amen. Today again, I commit your life into God’s hands, where no evil can come near you. He will keep you in His constant care and rule over you. All His promises shall answer yes and amen in your life. The Lord shall bestow on you the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable you to work in His vineyard. You shall do exploit in God’s house. I break every secret snare of the devil upon your life. The Lord will cover you with His awesome presence. Have a wonderful birthday.
May He continue to watch over you, grant you favor before men and fulfil your greatest heart desires according to His will and purpose for your life. May the Lord make you a great blessing to the world and keep you from the corruption of the world. He shall give you the grace to serve Him faithfully in any situation you find yourself. You shall not fall into the snare of the wicked, He will protect you from every form of evil. You will grow up day by day to become more like Jesus. Son, have a blissful birthday.
May God Mould you to reflect His power, fulfil all that He desires in your life and fill you with the truth of His word to enable you to make the right choices at all times. You shall be God’s example of love and kindness to your peers. He will keep you safe from every danger, fill today and every day of your life with joy and laughter. Happy birthday.
. On this beautiful day of your birth, I pray the Lord will cause you to find favor in every area of your life. As you advance in age, God’s supernatural wisdom will guide you. When you bow to pray, may heaven hear you. May your voice be heard when you raise it in praise. May you be found worthy to be a pillar in God’s vineyard.
. It’s your birthday son, I pray God will shower upon your blessings that exceed human expectations. He will give you good health and a long life. You shall fulfil the perfect will of God for your life. May you grow in grace, wisdom and virtue. You shall not be engulfed by the corruption of the world. The Lord will keep you safe from every violence. He will cover you with His presence and watch over you intently. Happy birthday.
Grant him all his good heart desires now and always. May you watch over him Lord and keep him safe from all forms of evil. May no harm come to his dwelling today and all the days of his life. Multiple in him Lord the gifts of the Holy Spirit to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Help him Lord to serve you faithfully. Make him a carrier of good news and use him to shake the planet for the glory of your kingdom. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
More Happy Birthday Prayers for Son
. Today marks another day when a special gift like you was given to us. As you advance in age so shall you increase in wisdom and strength. Your life will be filled with abundance and wealth. It will be garnished with good health. Happy birthday, son.
. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of this wonderful son. As he adds another year to his life today, may he experience peace all around. Satisfy him, Lord, with a long life. He shall eat the good of the land and any land he finds himself. Grace will not be lacking in his life and he shall be a pillar in the house of the Lord. In Jesus name, Amen. Happy birthday, dear.
. My son, as you celebrate another birthday, may you be blessed in your going out and coming in. Your body shall be full with the vitality of the Lord to carry out His purpose for your life. The Lord will grant you unexplainable blessings and secure you in His unfailing arms… Happy birthday.
. Son, as you celebrate your birthday, I pray God will continue to bless you abundantly and watch over you. May He strengthen you and empower you to fulfil your dreams and aspirations.
I shall not mourn over you; you shall be satisfied with a long life. The Lord will not allow your feet to go where there is no grace. You shall do exploit to the glory of God’s name and He will continually keep you safe from all danger, Amen. Have a blessed birthday.
You shall continue to experience God’s favor in all you do and so shall you prosper. You shall not receive any battle disguised as blessings. The eyes of the evil one shall not see you; you shall dwell in God’s house all the days of your life. Happy birthday, dear.
. My dear son, as you celebrate another special day in your life, may your body be filled with the strength of the Lord. Your life will be garnished with wealth and abundance and long life will be your portion.
. Happy birthday, son. As you increase in years, the Lord will give you testimony that will announce you to the world. You shall bring glory to His name; you shall not be found wanting in the camp of the enemy. You shall reach every of your goals in life and money will not be lacking in your life.
. Dear Lord, I thank you for adding another year to my son’s life. Bless his going out and his coming in. Let his prosperity both physically and spiritually be obvious to the world. He will not be the victim of another’s mistake, cover him with your Shekinah glory, Amen. Happy birthday, son.
. Dear son, as you mark another anniversary of your birth, you shall be blessed with the blessings of the Lord. You shall not be a spectator in the gathering of glory but also a partaker in it. You shall know God and do great exploits for Him. Your voice shall be louder than that of your enemies, in Jesus’ name. Have a wonderful birthday.
Blessing Birthday Wishes for Son
. I bless God for a wonderful son like you. As you celebrate your new age, may the almighty shower His blessings on you. May He fill your life with supernatural favor and grace. The Lord will lift you high above your enemies, He shall empower you to prosper and do great exploits in His vineyard. Happy birthday, dear.
. Another day is here when I get to celebrate a beloved son like you. May you continue to age with grace. The Lord will cause the good things of the earth to locate you, you shall not lack. The enemy will not be able to silence your voice. In the Lord’s house shall you dwell forever. Have a blessed birthday.
Where you cannot defend yourself, the Lord will defend you. You shall not be a castaway in society but shall live to reflect the glory of the Lord. Happy birthday, son.
. I thank you, Lord, for the special gift of my son. I pray you to bless this day with all the good things life can offer. Lord may the earth yield its increase to him. He shall be a palace pillar in the Lord’s house.
His life shall not be used to exchange the life of another, neither shall he live a wasted life. He shall live long to reap the fruit of his labour, Amen. Have a blissful birthday.
. Dear Lord, I pray for my son. As he celebrates his birthday today, may You continue to bless and guide him. Bless this new year of his with new possibilities, fill it with love and laughter. I rebuke every devourer over his life. Happy birthday, dear.
. As you add another year today, I pray the Lord to continue to keep you. May He fill today and all your days with peace and joy. The lord will keep you safe from every harm, you shall not stumble in whatever you do. He will grant all your good heart desires. Happy birthday, son.
. On this special day of yours, I pray God fills it with all the good things of life. May the Lord shower you with blessings that surpass human understanding. You shall not serve your enemies. The Lord will protect and keep you. Happy birthday, son.
. It’s your birthday son, I pray this day brings you lots of laughter and happiness. May you always be the head and not the tail, you will always escape the traps of the enemy. In the Lord’s house shall you dwell and do exploits because the Lord will guide and protect you. Have a wonderful birthday.
. Today is your birthday son, I pray that God will rain down an abundant blessing for you, continue to watch over you and grant you good health of body and mind. The blood of Jesus will prevail over you and the evil one shall not touch you. The Lord will order your step in all that you do. Happy birthday, dear.
The Lord will keep you safe from the snare of the evil one. May sorrow and sadness be far away from you. May He fill you with strength and wisdom to fulfil your purpose. Happy birthday, my dear son.