Birthdays comes once a year and it should be celebrated in a big way, even if you are sending them birthday gifts, it is still very important to send them birthday paragraphs to make them smile, gifts play their own role while birthday texts have their own role to play.
What is a Birthday? A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, or figuratively of an institution. Birthdays of people are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with birthday gifts, birthday cards, a birthday party, or a rite of passage.
Happy Birthday Paragraph is birthday messages, might be long or short birthday paragraphs which you can send to your loved ones on their special day to express to them how happy you are about their birthday celebration, wishing many more fruitful years ahead.
Happy Birthday Paragraph
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- May your life be filled with significant moments of love and happiness with the people that are closest to your heart. Happy birthday!
- Life is too short to be wasted on stress and worries. Play with your friends, dance to the beat of your heart, and follow your passion ceaselessly. Happy birthday!
- Enjoy the gift of life today. Travel somewhere you’ve never been before. Dare yourself to do things that you fear. Most of all, express your love to those around you always. Happy birthday beautiful
- Loving, Optimistic, Versatile, Elegant, Legendary, and Youthful, these words perfectly describe how lovely you are! Happy birthday!
- You are a wonderful sister, an amazing friend, and a sweet person. How can you be so awesome? Happy bday! my happy birthday paragraph.
- In most cases, luck comes not in a form of possessing the most expensive things, but in having a friend that I can rely on in times of turmoil. I am truly blessed for having such a kind and beautiful girlfriend! Wonderful birthday!
- You are classy, stylish, and charming, but most of all, you exude warm, passionate, and beautiful. This world needs more of you. Best birthday!
Happy Birthday Paragraph For Her
Why not try waking your girlfriend up with the below happy birthday paragraphs for her to wake up to? select any happy birthday paragraphs for girlfriend and send it to her before she wakes up on her birthday.
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- Did you know tons of girls try to flirt with me and even use pick-up lines on me? I just proudly tell them that I already have an amazing girlfriend and I am more than honored to be committed to her. Just to let you know that you don’t have to doubt me ever. EVER! I will always be yours from the bottom of the heart because it is only you who has that special place in my life and no one can ever take that.
- Honey, what happiness that today we fulfill another year of the relationship. I adore you and I hope you like all the surprises I’ve prepared.
- When I look at you, I always feel so much stronger and surer of myself. When I think about you, I feel so happy knowing that there is someone out there in the world who loves me as much as I love them. You always make me feel like anything in this world is possible. With your love, it really does feel like I can do anything that I set my mind to. Your love is a miracle that I am so happy to have received.
- Because you deserve all my love. Wishing the happiest ANNIVERSARY! You will always be my baby for the rest of my life. Thank you for understanding all my flaws and imperfections. I love you, my love.
- Happy birthday my love I just want to say how grateful I’m having you in my life and thank you, honey, for always being there for me. I love you. thank you for sharing this wonderful birthday message happy birthday my love
- Knowing you has been such an amazing adventure. Ever since I met you, I knew that my life would never ever be the same again. Since I have known you, life has never been sweeter. Thanks to you, my life is more exciting and full of happiness. You have helped me open so many doors that I would have left closed and undiscovered if it were not for you. With you, I am bolder, less afraid, and ready to conquer my next adventure. Knowing you, loving you, and being loved by you in return has been the best adventure of my life and I never want our adventure to come to an end.
- Years have passed, but my love never changed. Happy anniversary to my one and only love. You’ve given me so much joy and happiness. Thank you for being a perfect loving wife to me all these years. I love you.
- My life won’t be the same without you. We have so many amazing memories together! Remember the time when we just drove around out-of-town without a destination? Or that time on the beach when we just sat in the sand together and watched the sun disappear on the horizon? Or that time we pranked our friends and laughed until our stomach hurts. These are some of the highlights in my life. I wish to spend more with you in the days to come. Happy bday to the most special girl in my life! – happy birthday paragraph for friend girl.
- Being with you is a special feeling that I never want to lose. Knowing you and having you in my life has filled me with so much hope and a deeper sense of appreciation for everything that I have in my life. Because of you, I feel special and I know that what we have together is special.
- Open up about your feelings and be sincere with the woman of your dream! These longest paragraphs for her will help you say how much you love and need your sweetheart!
- With each passing day, you bloom beautifully with grace and finesse. That is because you share your blessings of love with those around you! Wishing you an abundance of the best things in this world and the fulfillment of your heart’s desires. Best birthday!
- Congratulations on our anniversary, thank you for making me so happy and for all you do to please my heart – my happy birthday paragraph.
- I wanted to take the time to tell you just how much you mean to me. You’ve become a rock in my life, something solid and secure I can lean on. Knowing you’re by my side makes me so eternally grateful, I can hardly put it into words. I had felt happiness before, but nothing prepared me for the happiness I feel when I’m with you. I don’t know what I said or did that made me lucky enough to deserve you, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the best man I can be so that you can be proud. Thank you for all that you do and have done for me. You have taught me what it is to love. You’ve shown me how beautiful life can be.
- Our love fulfills one more year; we have gone through good and bad times, but we have always been united and that will never change. I love you!
- When people used to say that ‘behind every great man there’s a great woman’ I would cringe. It felt like they were telling me I couldn’t succeed without a woman helping me out. But now that I’ve met you I understand. These days I feel like I can do anything because I know I have you in my corner, pushing me on and inspiring me to be the best person I can be. I hope I can do the same for you, together I know we’re better than we could ever be separated.
- You have left another chapter with wonderful memories tucked in it. Make sure you beat that episode by painting this brand new journey with colorful moments of breathtaking adventure and enriching experiences. A special girl like you will surely leave prints of love on every person she meets! Happy birthday!
- Very beautiful!!! Happy birthday to my love with all my love Thank you very much. Have a lovely day and night
Long Happy Birthday Paragraph For Her
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- Our love is something that is truly special and there is no other love like ours in the world. I feel as if I have won the lottery with you, someone who is so special and magical, who makes my life and my world a thousand times better just by being there. When I look at you, I know that I have truly hit the jackpot. All you have to do in order to warm my heart is to be the loving, caring person that you are. Together, we can do so much and help each other realize our dreams because we truly have a love that is special.
- A special day for a special girl must have the best birthday celebration ever! Call your friends, drink to your heart’s content, and yes, today is your cheat day so eat as much cake as you want! Wonderful bday! – Happy Birthday Paragraph
- Sometimes when I look at the ocean or an especially large mountain range, I feel overwhelmed and small, but in a good way. It’s comforting to know there’s something out there bigger than I am. Something large and enduring that has lasted through the ages. Through harsh weather, storms and droughts, through changes in history and climate, the ocean keeps on rolling and the mountains keep on standing tall. When I think of you and our love and how I feel about you, I feel the same way. My love for you doesn’t make me feel small though, it makes me feel powerful and new. I look at you and I know that I will love you forever, through storms and droughts, through all the changes that will undoubtedly come our way. I will love you forever. There’s no changing that. – happy birthday paragraph for friend girl.
- Boundless blessings, brimful of happiness, and ceaseless hope to a wonderful girl like you. May you find the path that will lead you towards your dreams. Best bday my love!
- I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate having you in my life. For helping me through the bad times and being there to help me celebrate the good times, I cherish all of the moments that we share together. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary for me to tell you how glad I am to have you in my life. I am so lucky to have you by my side. Everything you do for me never goes unnoticed. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you, but I am eternally grateful to have your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you, and for having me by your side. Happy Birthday Paragraph.
- You’re my best friend. The person I can tell all my secrets to, the first person I want to talk to when I wake up, and the last person I want to talk to before I drift off to sleep. When something good happens to me, you’re the first person I want to tell. When I’m troubled by something or if I get bad news, you’re the one I go to for comfort and support. But you’re so much more to me than a friend, you’re the love of my life. You’re my friend, my lover, my comfort, and my strength. I am so lucky to have you. I just wanted you to know how happy I am to have you in my life.
- I love your hair. I love the way you smell. I love that you do everything possible to make me feel like the luckiest and the most amazing person in the world. I cannot possibly live up to your expectations of me, but I strive to be the man you need every day. Your appreciation and love are not unnoticed. I want to show you how much you mean to me and how you make me feel like I am the most important person in the world. I only wish that I could make you feel just as special and valued.
Happy Birthday Paragraph For Him
We never really forget how people made us feel, darling, you make me feel whole and so on your birthday, I wish you tons of blessings and goodness. keep striving for greatness, there’s a whole lot of good waiting for you on this life’s path. Happy birthday, world’s cutest boyfriend.
I would say that it’s our birthday but I would leave this one for you, my special someone is a year older today, I pray God blesses you bountifully this new year and beyond, I hope the day is as beautiful as you would want it to be, happy birthday to you, sweet boyfriend.
Happy birthday to my all-time favorite individual, friend, and confidant. Thanks for making my world colorful and more importantly for always standing by me. Bringing you lots of sunshine, love, and positive vibes on your special day. Happy birthday to you, sweet boyfriend.
And it’s another year for this handsome young man, enjoy this beautiful life and everything it has to offer to the fullest. You are unstoppable and I will be here to cheer you on, happy birthday to my incredibly amazing boyfriend.
Today, I celebrate a treasure, a good and strong man. Super excited that I’m here for you as you become a year older. I pray you have a long and happy life, one that is full of unending blessings and goodness. More grace and wisdom to you, my darling. Happy birthday to my super boyfriend.
Super excited to announce the birthday of a born king, keep aiming high, and pursuing those beautiful dreams baby, I believe in you. Here’s me wishing that this day is as special as you are. Happy birthday to my amazing boyfriend.
Honored that I get to celebrate with you on your special day, my darling. You mean the world to me and I want you to know that this new year will be filled with lots of love, peace, and happiness. More money for you. Happy birthday to you, my darling boyfriend.
Life is more beautiful when you have amazing people around you, today, I celebrate the best of the best. A year older, hopefully, a year more successful. Happy birthday boyfriend extraordinaire.
It’s the birth anniversary of a man of substance. My darling, it’s beautiful walking this path of love and friendship with you. Know that the world is your stage so make the best choices, see you on the greener side of life. Happy birthday to you, sweet boyfriend.
Baby, you are the reason why the world seems right for me and today, your birthday, I hope you get to embrace opportunities as they come your way and rise to your full potentials, happy birthday, best boyfriend.
Happy Birthday Paragraph For Bestie
“Bestie” is short for “best friend” in the United States and probably in many other English-speaking nations. The term is not associated with gender. It is used more often by women with female best friends, probably because women are culturally more likely to identify a friend as a “best friend”, but it can be used by and for anyone, happy birthday paragraph for bestie is a birthday message you can send to your best friend on their special day.
- You are a miracle that happened in my life. No day passes by without me thanking God for giving me such a fantastic friend. I am happy and lucky to have met you in life. All your heart desires will come to pass. You are not only a blessing to my life but a good friend worth having forever. God bless your new age, happy birthday. – Happy Birthday Paragraph.
- Happy birthday, my buddy. I would have made today a public holiday because you are a rare breed but let’s leave that for another day. To my one and only, you deserve the blessings showered on you and many other benefits that God will unleash on you. Smile today and every other day of your life on earth, bestie.
- I have so many questions on your birthday. What did I do to deserve a wonderful best friend like you? Could you be any more awesome? And most puzzling, how are you going to fit all those candles on your birthday cake this year? Happy Birthday to someone who’s talented, charming, and witty. And by the way, isn’t it eerie how best friends can be so much alike? I love how we’re such good friends that we can forget to buy each other presents on our birthdays and it’s no big deal.
- There are only but two types of people in the world: family and friends. You fit in every part that relates to me and has never let me down. You are my one in a million, and I can’t love you less than I do already. Our friendship will stand the test of time, and nothing will ever break us. Happy birthday, my bestie.
- Birthday celebrations are meant to be shared with friends and love ones. I wouldn’t miss this special day for anything in the world, because you are so special to me. Life made more sense to me from the day you became my friend. Happy Birthday from your bestie.
- ‘You’ve loved me more than I love myself and have never given up on me despite my shortcomings. Today represents a lot in your life. So, I wish you the abundance of God’s blessings and grace to keep excelling on whatever you lay your hands on all the days of your life. To my best friend and brother (sister), I wish you a happy birthday.
- A million wishes are flooding your timelines and private message box, but mine is merely telling you to live a much more eventful life because you have given me so many sweet memories to look back. I know how lucky I am to have you as my friend because people with good hearts as yours don’t come by all the time. Happy birthday, my bestie.
- Sometimes, I wonder what I have done to deserve such a considerate friend as you are. You are everything meshed up in one. You are the most significant person in my life, and you never got to that position by luck but by the beautiful things you have done for me. Happy birthday, my bestie.
- Sometimes in life, we need an amazing crazy friend to help us forget about all our worries and troubles. Do I need to include that you’re all shade of craziness? You are amazing in every way and I love you. Happy birthday, best friend. Have fun.
- You are my muse and my blood. Things we have been through together will bond us forever. Let me appreciate you for always looking out for me. For being that other part of me that pushes me to be better than I used to be. You are special, and I am grateful for every inch of the blessing you brought into my life. Happy birthday (Happy birthday paragraphs for my bestie)
- Remember, all we have planned and all we aim to achieve in time to come. The future is waiting for us with all the goodness you can think of in life. I can’t wait for the day where all our dreams will come true, and we will sit right close to each other discussing how far we have gone. Have a fantastic birthday celebration, my dear bestie. – Happy Birthday Paragraph
- You have been my best friend for ages. You’re always there for me, supporting, encouraging, and listening to my senseless talks. You have no idea how much that means to me. Today, I am celebrating the birthday of a special person who made everything in my life better. I can’t imagine cooking, traveling, shopping, and watching movies without a friend like you. You are the best. Happy birthday, best friend.
- I am short of words to let you know how wonderful you have been as a friend and as a brother (sister). I treasure you both today and every other day that follows because you are my only best friend. It’s your birthday, so make merry, have a blast and remember that I always got your back just as you have mine. Enjoy the blessing the day comes with, and I love you.
Happy Birthday Paragraph For Crush
- Love came to me when I least looked for it when I least expected it, but to make me happier, never to leave. Today is the most beautiful person in the world, and I wish him very happy today. I hope you enjoy this beautiful special day very much!
- A new year is presented for my better half. For the other half, I hope and wish that each modern day is better and more beautiful than the previous one. Happy Birthday, may nothing and no one separate us, I love you!
- I wish that on this special and unforgettable day all the blessings fall on you, I wish that God always illuminates you along the path of the good life and that he always gives you health. My dear, I wish you to be very happy today. I love you!
- I searched between messages and birthday messages, but I concluded that none could make you understand everything I feel for you, not for naive, but because everything was brief compared to how much I love you. Happy Birthday your dear!
- It is impossible to write birthday messages for a particular person like you because it is impossible to describe everything you make me feel when I miss you, and even more when you are by my side. Happy day honey!
- You were a dream before I met you and now you are the most beautiful reality I could ever dream of, you were an illusion before I met you and now you are love, the most beautiful happiness I could ever dream of. Happy, dear day, I love you very much!
- You were like the first ray of sun that appears after a long cloudy day and you were like the calm after a cry of joy. You came to bring me peace and happiness. Happy day of your beautiful Birthday!
- With this birthday message for my beautiful, handsome, smart, dear, kind, and good boyfriend, I want to record that you are what makes me the happiest in this world. Happy Birthday, hopefully, this is the best year of your life!
- Thank you for all that you have given me, for all that you have given me, and thank you for making me such a right person, I hope that together we will always walk hand in hand. Happy Birthday your heart, I wish you fulfill many more!
- Blessings for the love of my life, for a good and beautiful husband. May all the good that he does to me always become health and luck for him in this new year that has given him his life. I love him so much that I would die for him. Happy Birthday, love!
- Birthday Wishes for Crush have always been the most difficult to write because they are written at a time when you want to be by his side to make him happy and not wish him so much happiness at a distance. Congratulations, I love you love!
- The moments and moments at your side are concise, although there have been so many of us, I remember every one of them, they all made me how happy I am today. Many joys on this day my dear, I love you so much! – Happy Birthday Paragraph
- For many today it is another day, work, anyone, but for me, it is the most beautiful day I have ever lived, and I want to thank God for giving you this moment. May all the blessings fall on you, happy birthday love!
- May destiny wraps you in happiness, fill you with joy, and may God bring upon you the most beautiful and deserved blessings. I love all of you, your defects and virtues, your good and bad moments. Happy Birthday, master! – Long & Short Happy Birthday Paragraphs.
Happy Birthday Paragraph For Sister
My life would not be complete without you in it, my Sister. No matter what is going on you are always there, and always willing to help. Thank you! Many more Happy Birthdays are wished for you.
Sister, today is your birthday in heaven up above. I send blessings to you on the wings of a dove. Not just for this special day, but for each day to come. You are always in my thoughts. Sending you all of my love. Happy birthday.
Seems like yesterday we played together and made mud pies. The time has passed by so quickly and another birthday has come. So my sister here is to mud pies and smiles of life, happy memories, and more to come. Have a great day.
Dear sister, you have known me since we were children. I know I have shortcomings and that you still love me anyway. I’m so thankful to God that He gave me the kindest and best older sister in the whole world. Happy Birthday and I love you. – Happy Birthday Paragraph
My sister, my friend, what would I do If you were not in my life I would be so blue. My message is for happiness and contentment for you I love you my Sis remember that too.”
We shared childhood experiences, and how we share life experiences. I can’t imagine living life without you, my Sister. You are the one who is always there. The one who loves me no matter what I say or do, you’re the one who always cares. Have more than a Happy Birthday, Have the Best and Most Marvelous day!! happy birthday paragraph copy and paste,
Sister, you are one of the special people in my life that shines. You always show love, encouragement, and inspire others. You are a wonderful person and I hope this birthday shines on you!
We shared childhood experiences, and how we share life experiences. I can’t imagine living life without you, my Sister. You are the one who is always there. The one who loves me no matter what I say or do, you’re the one who always cares. Have more than a Happy Birthday, Have the Best and Most Marvelous day!!
To My Sweet Sister, Happy Birthday. You were my first friend, and as we’ve grown over the years, the special relationship we share continues to grow. I hope your day is as beautiful & wonderful as you!
Thank you, sister, for always standing by my side and offering me helpful advice. Thank you for helping me overcome some of life’s greatest obstacles. You’re the best sister anyone could ever ask for. Happy birthday.
You are a good sister, a wonderful friend, and confidante. Thank you for the times I needed a shoulder to cry on and the times we laughed so hard it hurt. Wishing you more laughter than tears, more sunshine than clouds, and more happiness than all the happiest days of your life. The happiest of days are wished for you, my Sister!
As sisters, we share a special bond that time or distance could never break. I’m always happy to spend time together and miss you when you’re gone. I’m grateful we can spend your birthday together. – Happy Birthday Paragraph.
There are lots of great things about having a sister. The best of all is that I got to share my childhood with you. That’s something no one can ever take away. Here’s to our silly, over-dramatic memories. Happy birthday, sister.
Sister, I have so many things to be thankful for, but I am most thankful for you. You’ve always given me support and love when I needed it most. Thank you for being my greatest cheerleader. Happy birthday.
A sister is one who no matter what is always there. You, my sister, have lived that each and every year of your life. You encouraged and supported me when challenges overcame me. So on this birthday I just want to say thank you. I appreciate and love you and wish you much happiness.