A birthday is not just about receiving gifts; it’s a day when you look back at your life and cherish all those moments which made you an amazing person. You celebrate the birthday of important people in your life like your parents, siblings, spouse or lover.
It can be an excellent way to show appreciation and celebrate your bond with the birthday person. Acknowledging the existence of your favorite person can strengthen your relationship too. And it gets even more special if you’re celebrating your kid’s birthday.
Kids are the wonder and joy of every family. The way they brighten up our day is an irreplaceable moment. Since they are only having a birthday once a year, make this a memory for keeps with a sweet and cuddly greeting for your adorable 5 year old.
Birthday messages to a five-year old should send out your love, appreciation and devotion towards them. Be a person whom they will always remember at their 5th birthday party by sending them a card written with so much thought it will be hard for them not to remember your face smiling at them as they turn older.
So if you know a child who is celebrating their birthday today, check out these heartwarming happy 5th birthday messages.

Happy 5th Birthday
1. If I had the authority to give the award of the most notorious 5 years old, it would definitely be bagged by you without a shadow of a doubt. Happy birthday my little prince!
2. Happy 5th birthday! This is going to be an awesome time to be alive as I got you something that is guaranteed to make you scream.
3. May no evil touch you. May God’s angel always protect you. And may you forever be young and beautiful. So many blessings, hugs, kisses and wishes to this 5 years old gem. Happy birthday son!
4. You are little but you occupied a big place in my heart. Love you forever, honey. Happy 5th Birthday to the little diamond that brightens our life day by day. Your five senses are wishing you a great day as you’re turning 5. Happy 5th birthday son.
5. Five can draw a drawing ,they can button buttons and can zip a zipper. Five can wish. Five can get presents and eat cake on bright dishes! Five is extra clever, with lots of words and songs. Five is extra smart, with letters big and small. Five is extra special, with dreams and wishes for you!
6. Happy Birthday! You are loved by your family! We are glad that you are our son! There is no one in the world whom we could love more!
7. For me, five is a lucky number and it’s a great year to be. Being five-year old is full of fun and surprises. So now that it’s your big day, give me a high-five and let us have one big party! Happy birthday son!
8. I don’t know what to tell you. You are five years old! Your biggest concern is what cereal you are going to eat this morning. Have a wonderful day son!
9. It is the dream of every parent to see its little kid turn into a super special and beloved kid. I am happy you are growing the way I want. I wish you a splendid happy 5th birthday, my little baby son!
10. Can you count the number of your fingers? I think I taught you this. Now, your age = your fingers. FIVE! Your birth brought us fortune. Now, fortune is 5 times bigger. Happy 5th Birthday to the little monkey.
Happy 5th Birthday Boy
11. Though you are just 5 years old, you have the quirkiness and audacity of a feral teen at this age. Happy 5th birthday my little son!
12. Happy 5th birthday my cute little angel! You send flutters in my heart by simply showing me your cute smile! How you clear my stress away is just amazing! Have a lovely birthday my love!
13. The best things in life are shared, so on this special day, don’t forget to share everything with your friends, including your presents. Happy 5th birthday boy.
14. May you be like a free bird flying where you want. May your accomplishment never be achieved by anyone except you. Happy birthday to a 5 years cute doll!
15. When you were a baby, you didn’t let me have a deep sleep, you always wanted to eat. Now, I’m happy to sleep well. Cheers, honey! May your childhood be filled with bright colors and joyful moments.
16. I can’t remember being 5 very well, but I hope this year brings you many wonderful memories. Now you’re big, more than four. Now you’re big, and growing more. Give me 5! That’s how old you are now! Happy birthday boy.
17. It’s a sunny day, because it’s your birthday, son! Everything is better because I can imagine how you were born today! I smile even more than you can make me smile! Happy birthday to a boy who is good and a wonderful son!
18. Here are 5 wishes for a dear little angel like you – treasure full of wealth, blossoming heath, jarful of blessings, and sweet and happy moments! Happy birthday to you, adorable little one!
19. I know that you have a big surprise waiting for you later today. Happy 5th birthday son. What is that surprise? Well, it’s a surprise for a silly reason!
20. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my 5-year-old sweetheart. Have fun darling, I love you. You are the most amazing 5-year-old boy I’ve ever known. You will grow up to be one of the finest men around.
Happy 5th Birthday Girl
21. You’re such a cute and cuddly little baby! Now that you’re 5, you’re looking cuter even more! Happy 5th birthday to you my little one! Continue to enjoy the great things in life. We love you so much!
22. Happy 5th birthday sweetie, you are an amazing kid and I hope you get to enjoy this day. I love you so much and hope you always remember you mean a lot to me.
23. As you have turned 5 this birthday, you are now eligible to give me a hard high 5. Happy birthday my dear cutie pie! You are way too little to understand what I am going to say to you right now. One day you will turn out to be a fantastic human being, a successful professional, and the champion of morals and ethics. Happy 5th birthday my little love.
24. Unquestionably, you are the most intelligent and quick-learning 5 years old I have ever seen. God bless you to the apple of my eye. Happy 5th birthday baby girl!
25. When I was told my wife gave birth to a girl, I was scared because I thought she’ll love me less. But I’m glad that you love me even more than her.
26. My goodness, just look at you! I mean it feels so fantastic and unbelievable to see the mini 5 years old version of myself. Happy 5th birthday, son! You are my pride.
27. Happy fifth birthday to you, my little troublemaker! You’re free to skip your homework today and eat a lot of sweets! But please don’t eat too much or your tummy will become as big as that of Winnie the Pooh! Happy birthday boy.
28. You amaze me every single day little one. It’s amazing how fast you grow and even more amazing how fast you learn. Happy 5th birthday! Don’t get old too fast.
29. Your eyes are so expressive and your gestures relax me. When I see you, I forget all worries and anxieties. You are my destiny. Wishing happy birthday to this 5 years old chubby kid!
30. Whatever will make you become the best that you can be is what we are ready to do for you as parents. May God guide you as we do our best. Happy birthday my boy.
Happy 5th Birthday Wishes
31. Jesus listens when you pray. He hears each word you say. We know He is with you as you reach five years today!
32. Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday, who? Happy birthday! Five happy birthdays just for you boy!
33. On your 5th birthday, you can have everything with your friends, finish your big and delicious chocolate cake, and take a nap. After all, it’s your birthday!
34. Reaching the age of five means you have become five times smarter, five times cuter, five times taller, and five times more adorable! Happy fifth birthday to you, darling!
35. You are now five, may this day remind you of all you can be sweetheart, you are great and I will always love you for that. Happy birthday boy.
36. Heartiest congratulations to my cute little prince for turning into a wonderful 5 years old kid. You are the little wonder of my life and surely a lucky charm for your dad.
37. Happy Birthday, Son! When you came into our world, you rocked it and things turned around for the best. Love you, sweetie.
38. Wow, you’re five today. I hope you receive your birthday blessings in fives, also don’t forget to make a wish while you blow your candles. Have a good time Grandson.
39. You’ve changed my life over the 5 years I’ve lived with you, my grandchild. You taught me how to run at an old age.
40. For My Grandson, Happy 5th Birthday! Today is all about wonderful you! Wish big, smile bright, do all the things that make you most happy. And always remember how much you mean to me!
Happy 5th Birthday Son
41. Happy 5th birthday, to the apple of my eye. It’s your important day and you deserve to spend it full of laughter, fun and yummy treats. May all of your wishes come true, today and throughout your life. I love you more than you will ever know.
42. I am happy to see you grow into a healthy and happy 5 years old grandson; I pray that the happiness and purity of your childhood remain with you until old age.
43. I’m happy to be a part of my grandson’s fifth birthday. Just seeing you smile while opening your gifts is enough for me. Happy birthday grandson.
44. Happy Birthday. A superstar grandson deserves a celebration beyond comparison! May all your wishes come true. Nobody deserves it more than you.
45. A grandson like you is a one-of-a-kind treasure. You’re one extraordinary kid and I am so proud of you for always doing your best in sports, with your parents, and in school. Keep working hard. Happy birthday, my handsome grandson!
46. I hope that your fairy godmother made plans for your 5th birthday because I dreamt that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy would surprise you. Have a cute day grandson.
47. Wishing you, my grandson, a birthday filled with endless fun, cake, and wishes coming true. You deserve nothing but the very best. Happy 5th birthday, grandson!
48. My sweet little baby, no matter how old you become, I’ll see you as my cute little baby who brings sunshine into my life. Happy fifth birthday sweetheart!
49. Happy 5th sweetheart, you make my heart swell with so much joy, I will never take this day for granted, will forever and always love you darling.
50. Hey little 5 years old kid; are you listening? I wish and I want you to never ever retreat back in your life. Just be like a strong mountain. Happy birthday!
Happy 5th Birthday Grandson
51. Happy Birthday to the girl who always wants to be beside her mother. Love you, sweetie! your growing up is quite similar to that of your mom, but you’re more beautiful. Don’t tell her that.
52. My sweet little girl, hold my hand and I will never let go, even if the stars stop shining and the sun does not rise. When the world goes around in circles and you do not know where to go, my arms are a hiding place for you. Your love is my trophy and your happiness is my heartbeat. Always remember that I am here no matter where you go. Best fifth birthday, my love.
53. It’s your 5th birthday daughter, I hope you know how much joy this day brings me, seeing you grow older is surely a blessing.
54. By no way, you seem like a five years old little runt. You are physically and mentally way ahead of the kids of your age. Happy 5th birthday, my little sweetheart!
55. Happy Birthday, kiddo! May you have five million hours of happiness. It’s your 5th Bday sweetie, blow out five candles then make five wishes. Hi, 5 to the cutest 5-year-old in town. Have a blast!
56. You are the youngest 5-year-old I know! No one can call you a little kid anymore. You’re 5 now! Just when I thought you were perfect at age 4, you turned 5 and got even cooler! Who gave you permission to grow up so fast? I can’t believe you’re 5 now. Now that you’re 5, you’re too old for toys. A 5 dollar bill is much more appropriate.
57. Happy 5th birthday, you are a wonderful child and I hope you enjoy this day. I love you so much and I hope you will always remember that you count a lot for me.
58. Happy 5th birthday honey! You’ve grown more adorable and cooler than ever! May you grow up to make us proud! Enjoy your birthday sweetheart!
59. You have no idea how much happiness you brought to your parents. Everyone here was losing their minds by how often your cuteness made them laugh. Wow! You are so big for such a young one. I see wonderful things for you in the future. Happy 5th birthday!
60. Oh my angel! How beautiful you are like a lily and a rose. You are the most beautiful flower of all. Wishing you blessings and happy birthday to 5 years old kiddo!
Happy 5th Birthday Daughter
61. Can’t remember being 5 but I’m sure it’s full of fun and excitement. Wish you more of this. You become extra [handsome/beautiful] when you’re 5. I’m seeing it in you already. Enjoy today, baby.
62. What a lovely day it is today! The room is filled with lots of colorful presents and your cute and cuddly friends are around to celebrate your special day. Happy 5th birthday to you sweetie! May you enjoy each and every moment of this day!
63. Happy fifth birthday sweetheart, you make me proud, glad, happy and I will always be your biggest fan. Love you so much. You are the coolest kid around. Happy 5th birthday young one. Smile. You are awesome!
64. You have no idea how happy your grandfather is to see you turning into a 5 years old mushy and lovely kid. My heartiest blessings are always with you. Happy 5th birthday my successor!
65. Happy 5th birthday pretty little princess! It’s time to wear your crown and your beautiful dress! You truly deserve to be treated like royalty because you’re such a joy to be around!
66. Happy 5th birthday darling, you are such a princess and I am glad you are growing into a beautiful queen. I wish you the best, always dear.
67. Happiest birthday to the most special and the most beautiful 5 years old in the world. May you get all the love, happiness, and success you deserve. Happy 5th birthday princess.
68. Now that you have reached the age of 5, you have also made our lives five times happier, five times more blessed, and noisier! Happy 5th birthday to you, our little bundle of joy!
69. This is going to be an awesome party! Pinatas, candy, cake, music, dancing. What else could you need from a birthday party? Have a lovely day, baby girl.
70. I promise my little sweetheart, I will protect you from all the unwanted and unexpected threats. I will stand with you firmly whenever you need me. Happy 5th birthday my little angel!
Happy 5th Birthday Granddaughter
71. You’re now a year from being a 4-year old and closer to reaching the age of 6. Until then, enjoy your adorable journey at being a 5 year old! Happy 5th birthday cutie!
72. The little baby of a few years back is now a big girl, we have joy for bringing you into this world but we found joy that you became part of our lives.
73. May you be rock strong. May you be rock tight. May no adversities come to ruin you. May none ruin you. Happy birthday to a 5 years old tiger!
74. You are the little princess that should be celebrated today. I hope you enjoy everything set out, especially for you sweetheart. Happy 5th birthday sweet baby girl, it’s time to kick 4 and welcome 5.
75. Happy fifth birthday! You’re finally a big kid now! So enjoy the privilege of being able to blow those five colorful and huge candles on your cake!
76. I know you are good at math, girls, count your fingers and your toes, then add them together, then divide them by four, that’s your present age. Happy 5th birthday. Increase in every way.
77. Very happy birthday to the quickest and the swiftest 5 years old I have ever seen. Happy 5th birthday, my super cool kid! You just turned 5, and it only seems to be the matter of a few days. How time flies so quickly. Happy birthday to the happiest five years old.
78. Have a great 5th birthday my dear, I will always be here for you come rain or sunshine. Enjoy each and every moment of your beautiful birthday my daughter. Have an unforgettable time.
79. I thought you are already very incredible at 1-year old, but now that you are 5, you have actually become five times more incredible! Happy birthday to you, our little bundle of joy!
80. Now this time you look like a 5 years old kid. But you must know you have the immense power to be what you want to be. Happy birthday to the star of the stars!
Happy 5th Birthday Princess
81. A sweet birthday to a girl with bright eyes and cute dimples, you completed five years. Now it’s the time to put on a pretty dress and crown to celebrate.
82. Happy 5th birthday my little baby! Indeed, time flies so fast! It just seems like yesterday when I held you in my arms for the first time! Enjoy your big day cutie!
83. You made us fruitful when we gave birth to you, may you become fruitful in all areas of life and may your fruits do greater exploits.
84. Words will fall short to express my feelings on your 5th birthday celebration. I know one day you will make me super proud. Happy 5th birthday to my sweetie pie!
85. Difficult to believe we have passed through so many years in our marriage and so many years with you in our lives, it looked like forever already. Happy 5th birthday daughter. Have lots of fun.
86. Hey little daughter, I want to tell you that you are the one and only source of my happiness. My entire world revolves around you. Happy 5th birthday, princess!
87. Not a single day passes when you don’t fill my entire being with the utmost delight and happiness. You truly are God’s own Child. May your happy 5th birthday celebration turn out to be as special as your daughter!
88. Happy 5th birthday! Wow, look at you – you are filled with so much energy. You’re very adorable and smart and you’re the center of attraction to our family gatherings. May you continue to make us happy my little darling!
89. I lost love in my life when I lost your mother, but seeing as a replica of hers filled me with so much gladness. I love you, my baby girl. Happy 5th birthday daughter.
90. When you grow up, I wish you to be the strongest woman this world has ever come to know. Wishing happy birthday to a cute star! May in your life love forever be. May love protect you and give you courage. Happy birthday dearest!
Happy 5th Birthday Boy Quotes
91. Normal kids make me happy, but charming kids make me surprised. Happy Birthday to the most charming 5-year-old girl, my adorable daughter.
92. Happy 5th birthday my beautiful baby! I’m looking forward to seeing you everyday, with your cute antics and grumpy face! Thank you for making my day happy with your boundless energy!
93. It’s important to count our days as humans to know how blessed we’ve been, you’ve received nature’s blessings for five years, and I pray you continually flourish as you grow older.
94. I genuinely wish, the more you grow old, the more your happiness and prosperity amplify. Happy 5th birthday to my little cutie pie!
95. Wow! 5 golden years already!! Cheers to many more. All your favorite superheroes are wishing you the best birthday ever. Cakes, balloons, candles, and decorations are all set for the best 5th birthday ever. Enjoy it.
96. There’s a big difference between being 4 and 5. You’re 25% older than a 4-year-old. It’s always good to know a really cool 5-year-old. I’m glad to know you. You only have 5 more years to use your fingers to count to your age. Congratulations! You get to be 5 for an entire year!
97. Although 5 is the number of accounts, you are the most unbalanced five years I know, but it makes you cool and I love you for it. May all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday
98. Whatever it is that you want in the future, whether you want to be a lawyer or a doctor, or perhaps, you just want to travel the world, always remember that I’ll be right here to support you my dear! May you have an awesome 5th birthday!
99. I wonder why your mom and I didn’t name you cute, because that is your true identity whenever anyone gazes upon you. Happy 5th birthday cute little baby. May you enjoy the longevity of life.
100. You are more valuable to me than Kohinoor. You are a blessing to my life. With the birth of you my destiny has shined. Happy birthday to my 5 years old star!
Happy 5th Birthday Girl Quotes
101. Just clocked 5 and I already see the qualities of a 5-year-old in you. Funny. Inspiring. Virtuous. Excellent. I can’t accept that you’re 5 today. You already talk like you’re 15 and eat like you’re 30. What will you be like when you actually clock 20?! The best birthday to the best kid.
102. You are a special addition to my life; you’ve changed me and made me a better version of myself. I love you and adore you, my beautiful 5 year-old granddaughter.
103. My special granddaughter is God’s gift. Now, the gift is 5 years old. AWESOME! The little jewel is turning 5 today. May you grow to be older than your grandpa.
104. Sending all the love and good wishes for my 5 years old granddaughter, it’s her birthday. I know you will be one of the most successful women in the world when you grow up. Happy Birthday to you, dear.
105. I feel like your birthday came by so fast, Granddaughter. It seems like only yesterday you were a baby, but now you have already grown into a splendid young woman. I hope you know that I am always proud of you and that I wish you untold peace and happiness on your birthday this year.
106. Happy birthday my little bundle of joy, you are an awesome 5 year old and I hope to spend forever with you. Do have fun on your day sweetie.
107. Dear, you have added much happiness and joy to your parent’s life. At the same time, you have added joy to my retirement. I spent 90% of my time with you. I don’t know how I would spend my time if you were not there. Happy Birthday to you, wonderful.
108. May your cupcakes be full of sprinkles, your presents full of money, and your heart full of love. No one deserves it more than you do. Thank you for always being such a loving granddaughter, and I hope that you have a phenomenal birthday this year.
109. I experience an uncontrollable joy when it is this period of the year. Have a wonderful day my little cutie, you are as sweet as a candy bar. You’ve grown quite fast and robust, and I’m happy to witness your Birthday, have loads of fun while it lasts.
110. You are the queen of your father’s kingdom. You came as a blessing to the family, thank you so much for adding lots of happiness and joy here, Happy Birthday to you, dear.
111. Granddaughter, since the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were someone special. You are an incredible person, and I will be forever grateful that you came into my life. May your birthday be full of delightful moments, precious gifts, and amazing people.