When you’ve met the woman who makes you feel like you’re at the top of the world, you’re a very lucky man! The glorious feeling of love inside can make you the happiest person on the face of the Earth. So don’t be embarrassed to tell the world how you feel about your darling, and most importantly, don’t hesitate to text your pretty lady lovely messages to ignite your love and add value to your relationship.
Do you have a girlfriend or wife that makes you happy? Then, reciprocate it. She shouldn’t be in the category of those that give their all and get nothing in return. Make her feel really loved and appreciated. Check through these charming SMS for her and choose the one that best suits her. Send one or more of the messages to her and make her feel special. She deserves to be loved and appreciated; you know.

Romantic Love SMS
1. If love is a drama, I will forever wish to act with you for the rest of my life. If I am a book, you are my chapters. My world found peace when you said yes to me. I will love you with all I got.
2. You bring smiles to my face and joy to my heart. You make me so happy that you’re the only thing I think of all day long. I love you, honey.
3. Home is wherever you are. I look forward to seeing you every evening because you calm the wildest waves of my soul. You fill me with so much compassion and awe, and I will always be grateful to God for you.
4. You’ve always comforted me at the end of each day and refreshed me the next day with your love as the love you rain on me is like the blanket over me. I cherish you forever.
5. There is no one who makes me feel the way you do. I will love you for life for I never want this feeling to end. This is the best day of my life, thanks for making it great. Good night!
6. I failed to be your tears and neither could I make it to be your smile but still you have managed to be my air which keeps me alive.
7. You are the most wonderful love I ever had. With you, I feel untouchable, invincible. You make me stronger, happier and wiser. Because not everybody knows what love is.
8. Your face is divine because it has the cutest lips ever, the brightest eyes that light up my heart and the most beautiful nose ever. Everything about your face is unique & I want to see it every day.
9. The best thing about being in love with you is that I have begun to enjoy every season of life with a lot more zest than I usually do. Such is the magic of your love, sweetheart.
10. Everything about you mesmerizes me and makes me crave our future. You are the holder of my tomorrows, and I hope to find more reasons to love you even better with time.
Sweet Love SMS
11. I wish to live beautifully for you alone; dream passionately about you alone and love you completely today and forever. I love you so much.
12. Seeing or thinking of you puts a smile on my face because you are my ultimate happiness. Loving and caring for you comes naturally, a clear indicator of how good you are for me.
13. You care so much about my happiness. You desire to always make me happy; you love me despite all my imperfections. I can’t even find the perfect word to describe your comeliness. Thank you.
14. Sweetheart, I may not be rich to give you everything, but I promise I will always be there for you. I open my heart to you, it’s yours to keep and treasure. I love you so much.
15. I want to open my eyes and look at the perfect face of your first thing in the morning. I will be the luckiest person on this planet then.
16. Excuse me, I just want to tell you that I want to protect you, steal your smiles, stop your tears and wake up by your side. You are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me.
17. Love has no end; it grows to infinity and makes everything beautiful during its time. All this happens only when the love is watered to grow. I will love you forever.
18. If you ever asked me to pick between you and my dreams, I wouldn’t know what to say because being with you is my only dream. I love you.
19. The best feeling in the world is loving you and knowing you love me back the same way. Words and deeds are not enough to tell you how amazing you are, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to demonstrate it.
20. The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!
Romantic Love SMS For Her
21. My first thought when I wake up is you, and it’s the same as before I lay down at night. Darling, you are the queen of my heart; I will always treat you like a queen.
22. You are the flavor of my life. I don’t want my life to get tasteless again, stay mine. If I were given one thing to eliminate then I would eliminate the distance between us because I miss you so much.
23. It’s good to know that when I go back home you will be there, smiling and waiting for me. I think of you all day long and I don’t know what I would do without you
24. When I look into your eyes, I see your inner beauty, and I can feel you deep in my heart. It is here that I want to be with you forever. There is no one who fits into my arms as you do. I love you so much, my love.
25. Love is not a thing to understand, neither is it something to feel, you cannot give it or receive, love only becomes. Loving you is my dream come true. I love you so much.
26. You are my sweet treasure, and only with your presence, you make me the happiest man on Earth. I will be devoted to you for the rest of my life.
27. Your love gives me that feeling of being in heaven while on earth. It is the best feeling in the world that words can’t explain. You make me feel like a king.
28. I will snatch the stars from the sky just to make you smile, but what if the moon gets lonely? My love, grace me with your pretty smile!
29. To the one who makes my heart beat faster and my face look brighter, I wish you the best today, and I hope all your dreams come true, just as you became real for me. You are a dime and a great leader in the making.
30. You came into my life and made it a blooming world to live in. You make me feel so special with the things you do and all that you say. I love you.
Sweet Love SMS For Girlfriend
31. I am satisfied when I see you smile and be happy. They say one only falls in love once in a lifetime, but every time I look at you, I fall in love with you all over again.
32. Life is very short indeed; break the rules when you need, live truly, love passionately. I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile without a reason until I met you. Stay mine.
33. You are my daily motivation, only you can guide me through the path of life. I know that our relationship will last forever because true love never ends.
34. If loving you is a crime, then I wish to be captured because that is a law I will break. I love you, my angel. Being in love has never felt this good.
35. I cannot imagine surviving all the hardships of my life without your love and support. Keep holding my hands tightly forever. I love you so much dearie.
36. I offer you my heart as it is yours to take, do whatever way you wish to treat it but never break. I want to stay together and in love for the rest of our lives.
37. Thank you for painting my life with the colors of happiness: you make me feel lucky, loved, happy, and special. Thank you for giving me so much joy. I love you forever.
38. Love is blind but true love sees all imperfections but understands. I will love you forever without a change of mind because the right side of you makes me realize that no one is perfect. I love you dearly.
39. Seeing you for a second makes my day whole, and I know you are everything I need to make it through the numerous hurdles in life. It’s a privilege to know you and a blessing to be called yours. I cherish you.
40. It has, to a large extent, been an amazing and beautiful feeling loving you, and I’m not stopping for anything because nothing in this world can help me to express how much love I have for you.
Sweet Love SMS For Her
41. Darling, I am proud to have you in my life. I love you to the moon and back, I know you will not believe this, but I love you so much more than you can ever imagine.
42. I love to look into your eyes because honey pacifies me more than anything on the face of this planet. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
43. I love you not only for your beauty but for your soul. Our love will be alive forever because I love the way you are. You feed my heart and my soul with your love. I love you more than anything in this world!
44. You are my missing rib because you complete me. The vacuum of my life fills your love fills up. Without you, my world is a dream. Love me today, let it become a reality.
45. My love for you has nothing to do with me. It’s all about the way you are and the way you bring joy to everyone around you. You are my greatest possession and I cannot risk losing you for anything.
46. To the one whom I fiercely love, may your dreams get answered, and may you live a fulfilled life ahead. No one understands me as you do, and no one could ever take your position in my life.
47. With your smile that is brighter than the sun and your eyes magnificent as the ocean, I believe you can achieve everything you set your mind to do. So, smile because our future only gets brighter and better.
48. Congratulations for single-handedly flipping my world upside down! Your smile puts me on my knees and your hug warms my heart. I long for another one of your touches.
49. Saying “I love you” is not enough to describe how I feel for you. It’s deep inside, my heart and soul. I love you so much! Can’t wait to see you.
50. I was missing you so I started counting stars for all the reasons I miss you, guess what, I ran out of stars to count. If being in love with you is a crime then arrest me.
Sweet SMS For My Love
51. You have become more than just a friend or just a lover: you are my soulmate, the reason for my happiness, and the person with whom I want to share my life. I love you.
52. When you touch me, my heart jumps out. When you are not around, my world becomes cold and lonely. Your love has become an essential part of me that should be available always.
53. I thought that love was overrated until the day I fell in love with you. You changed everything, my world, my life.
54. Thank you for being my friend, partner, and confidant. Being in love with you has helped me grow and given me insights into a lot of things. Your beauty, majesty, and words of wisdom have transformed me into a better man. Thank you.
55. Love is like sunshine. It brings a shining glow to its beholder’s face. And a warm feeling all over the body. It awakens the soul and opens the eyes. And when it’s over, it leaves lots of small memories called stars, to remind the globe that it still exists. I love you.
56. I might not be the best, but I promise to be with you through thick and thin. I love you. Thank you for giving me the best moments in life, you are my inspiration. I love you forever.
57. I love you with all my heart. I feel secure whenever I am with you. Thank you for making me feel so safe. You are so loved and I am so crazy in love with you. I cherish you; I adore you, I worship you, my dear.
58. There is nothing that feels comfortable as when I am with you. I love you. I love you so much, you mean the world to me and I will never let you down.
59. There are so many ways to tell you that I love you so much but there aren’t many words to let you know how much I do so. I can never think of anyone else who could love me so deeply!
60. Don’t ever worry about the future of our relationship: you will be my queen forever and I will be your king if you let me. Darling, Thanks for giving so much love. I am so happy to be with you.

Romantic Love Messages
61. Even at this stage of my love for you, all I want to do is love you more. This love is nothing like I’ve felt before. I feel complete because my heart beats you.
62. The Almighty has chosen you to be my soulmate, as no one else can understand me better than you do. I love you, stay with me always.
63. Even with my eyes wide open, I still think about you and the fun times ahead. Nothing would make me happier than creating new memories and writing our beautiful story together. I love you.
64. The more you go away from me, the closer I come towards you. I may not say a word but my heart will always tell you that you are my dearest.
65. My queen, I love you with every breath that is within me. That’s why I will always stick by your side, throughout the good times and bad. No one else is worthy of my love but you.
66. You are mine and you are the only one that my heart has chosen, a life without you is nothing but boredom. I really appreciate you for all you have done in my life. Thanks for being there for me. I love you.
67. They say you only fall in love once, which cannot be true as every time I am with you, I fall in love with you over and over again. I wished to have a friend and lover to be with for life, I am happy my wish came true because I found you.
68. You make my world go round and round and round again. I don’t know what I would ever do without you. I need you as much as a heart wants its beat.
Sweet Love SMS For My Wife
69. You are and always will be the prettiest girl in the world. At least in my world. Because YOU are my world. And not only that: you are my whole universe!
70. Losing you would be the most significant loss in human history & I won’t live a single day with such a tag.
71. I will guard your love and keep you forever with me.
72. Even a doctor would be baffled at how my heart conveniently decides to beat faster or slower – depending on whether I’m thinking about you or not.
73. My love, you deserve the best and I would travel thousands of miles just to make you happy. I’m using this medium to tell you I care about you and how I will never stop caring. I love you, wifey.