They say that true friendship is a treasure, a bond that knows no bounds. And when that cherished friend or best friend takes the leap of love and announces their engagement, it becomes an even more exhilarating occasion to celebrate.

In this article, we gather an exquisite collection of “Happy Engagement Quotes for Friend and Best Friend.” These words are crafted with love, admiration, and an understanding of the unique bond you share with your friend.
Whether you’re looking for the perfect quote to add to their engagement card, a heartfelt toast to raise at the celebration, or simply a way to express your excitement and support for their new chapter, we have just the right words to capture the essence of this unforgettable moment.
So, let’s dive into this treasury of quotes and express our love, blessings, and congratulations to the happy couple on their engagement!
Best Friend Engagement Quotes
1. In life’s experiences, may satisfaction be your objective? Best wishes! A Cheerful Engagement Anniversary!
2. May the endowments presented to you on your commitment day be filled as you anticipate marriage, dear and valuable companion.
3. To a charming and magnificent couple: may you have a cheerful and favored life in front of you. I am so excited to hear your news. Congrats on the engagement!
4. You complete one another, like espresso and cream. You are a perfect pair. Congrats on being locked in!
5. I’m so fortunate to know such an astonishing couple as you folks. I appreciate your marriage, and you are my good example with regard to connections. I wish you numerous long stretches of understanding and supporting one another. Congrats!
6. Wanting you to enjoy all that life has to offer in life as you start your new excursion. I know both of you are ideally suited for one another. Congrats on your engagement!
7. May your marriage be blessed with joy, harmony, and love. It probably goes without saying, but you two were made for each other. Happy engagement Anniversary wishes my friend.
8. I am so happy about the news. Congratulations on taking this exciting step together. May you have a bright and happy future.
9. May your upcoming wedding plans be stress-free. If you need anything I am here to help. Happy engagement to my best friend!
10. Best engagement wishes to my best friend! I knew that you were perfect for each other and that you would get married. Congratulations!
Funny Engagement Quotes for Best Friend
11. Feeling so much joy for you two as you unite two lives into one. Wishing you a long and wonderful life together on this grand occasion. Kudos and Congrats on your engagement my friend.
12. Sincerest and happiest wishes on your anniversary day. Wishing you both joy, love and peace in your lives and marriage.
13. I’m thrilled to be able to share this day with you two- Congrats on your special day.
14. Hoping you two have a beautiful life and an endless love story. May you celebrate your love forever and ever
15. You are the perfect example of true love and commitment. Best wishes to the most beautiful couple! Happy engagement anniversary, dear friend.
16. This day calls for a timeless celebration. Hoping you two have a beautiful life and an endless love story. Congrats on your special day.
17. You may not be perfect individuals, but together you are pretty close. Happy anniversary day you two.
18. When two great people get married their lives become extraordinary. Happy anniversary day.
19. A warm congratulations to a perfect couple. May life treat you as well as you really deserve it.
20. Congratulations to a wonderful couple! May this new adventure be the beginning of a long, healthy, and happy life together.
Best Friend Got Engaged Quotes
21. I am sending all my love and best wishes to a beautiful couple. Congratulations on your engagement!
22. It is so beautiful and inspiring to see such an amazing couple getting engaged. I am so happy for you both!
23. For a lovely couple who shares a love as colorful as a rainbow and as deep as the ocean. Happy engagement! I am thrilled for you both!
24. May the years to come be filled with blessings, love, and happiness for you both. Congratulations on your engagement!
25. Roses are red, violets are blue, now you are engaged, I am so happy for you! You are a match made in heaven. Mr. Right and Ms. Perfect, congratulations to you on your engagement anniversary!
26. May God bless you both with a wonderful life filled with bliss and love. Congratulations on your engagement!
27. You two are engaged! You are so lucky to have found each other, so perfect together.
28. May you always stay madly in love for the rest of your lives. Happy engagement!
29. Best wishes to you both. May your life together be full of love, blessings, and joy throughout the years. Happy engagement wishes!
30. The love you share is pure and beautiful. This is my warm wish to the world’s most wonderful couple. May your love for each other eternally grow.
Engaged to My Best Friend Quotes
31. Your love and commitment for each other has reached new heights. Congratulations on your engagement and for finding your soul mate!
32. Congratulations on your engagement and I wish you all the best in life. You both deserve to be happy.
33. May God bless you both on your engagement and throughout the years to come. Congratulations on getting engaged to my best friend!
34. All the best in your relationship! You are my best friend and I wish you all the best things in life that you truly deserve. Happy engagement, my best friend!
35. Best wishes on your engagement my friend! May your relationship always be filled with lots of love and happiness.
36. I am so happy you have found true love and I wish you both all the best in the world. Congratulations on your engagement, my best friend!
37. A special wish for a couple like you, may all the happiness that you dream of come true.
38. Life is full of new beginnings so here’s a toast to wish you an abundance of love, happiness, and blessings.
39. May you continue to love each other and be there for each other no matter what. I am so happy for you both. Congratulations on your engagement my friend!
40. I hope that your day will be special and memorable. Best wishes on your engagement!
Quotes Funny Engagement Wishes for Best Friend
41. On your engagement, I wish you both a wonderful life and everlasting love. Congratulations my friend!
42. Happy engagement! I wish you both everlasting adoration, dedication, and laughter as you take on this new exciting adventure in your life
43. A million congratulations on getting engaged! Here’s to a happy, exciting wedding and marriage for my best friend.
44. I can’t wait for the day when you officially become mine and I become yours, as husband and wife.
45. You are my fiancé, my future, and my eternity. I can’t wait to marry you.
46. The rest of my life will be full of celebration, blessing, fun, romance, cuddling, and joy. I love you my future husband/wife. I am looking forward to waking up every day with your sweet smile and your warm embrace.
47. I promise to smooch, snuggle, sugar you, and spend the rest of my life with you. Calling me your husband/wife will be an honor. Thank you for finding me.
48. We are one step closer to becoming life partners and I am so excited to share this amazing journey with you. I love you my future wife/husband.
49. Because of you, I will be a better person. You always bring out the best in me. We are made for each other, together forever we two. I love you my future groom/bride.
50. Congratulations on your new life together! May you continue to grow as a couple and I wish you all the very best in the future.
1 Year Engagement Anniversary Quotes for Friend
51. It’s so great to find that special person with whom you’ll spend your life making them smile. I am so happy you’re engaged!
52. Because this is your special day, I give you 3 cheers and a happy engagement wish is coming your way. It’s wonderful that you found your soul mate. Happy engagement my best friend!
53. Happy engagement my best friend! Today on your engagement and all throughout your marriage into your golden years, stay in love together.
54. May God shower you with his grace and blessings on your engagement and beyond. Happy engagement wishes for my best friend!
55. I know you’ll make each other happy, so I am thrilled about that. Congratulations on finding true love!
56. May your adoration be ceaseless, and may your lives be overflowing with satisfaction, Congratulations on your engagement anniversary!
57. Genuine affection united you and gave you this large number of blissful years in your day-to-day existence. Cheerful Engagement Anniversary my number one couple.
58. Allow your adoration to be warm and brilliant, let it sparkle consistently, and be a model until the end of us! Happy 1 year engagement anniversary!
59. Congrats on one more year of affection, chuckling, and satisfaction. Here’s to wishing you a lot more and a cheerful engagement anniversary.
60. Both of you have seen one another and showed what you can do to act as an illustration of genuine affection while enduring everyday hardship. Cheerful engagement commemoration of my companion.
61. Your cheerful marriage has been going on for a long time and this is the best illustration of how solid love is. All the best to one of the sort couples for your engagement anniversary.
62. Have a pleasant festival of this extraordinary second in your life. Allow it to open for you another street to the most brilliant future, brimming with goodness and amicability.
63. Love makes life as we know it possible, and for your situation, it is by all accounts turning at a decent clasp. All the best.
64. Who would’ve imagined that you folks would keep going for such a long time? Simply joking, that’s what I knew. You are a perfect pair, and nothing can significantly have an impact on how both of you are associated. Happy one-year anniversary my friend!
65. May very much want to keep on being the light that enlightens your lives, giving you expect a long time to come. Blissful Engagement Anniversary.
Happy Engagement Quotes for Friends in Hindi
66. हमें सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक! हमारी यह खूबसूरत वर्षगांठ वह सभी सौभाग्य लेकर आए जिसके हम हकदार हैं।
67. मुझे विश्वास नहीं हो रहा है कि आप अभी भी एक-दूसरे को बर्दाश्त कर रहे हैं। चुटकुले अलग, सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक। आप दोनों के बीच प्यार केवल समय के साथ बढ़ता जाए।
68. आप एक दूसरे की ताकत बनें। सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक हो, भगवान आपकी शादी को आशीर्वाद दे।
69. मेरे जीवन के प्यार को हैप्पी इंगेजमेंट एनिवर्सरी! आप जैसे उदार साथी के साथ मुझे आशीर्वाद देने के लिए भगवान को धन्यवाद देने का यह एक और कारण है।
70. यहाँ जीवन भर की प्रतिबद्धता, शाश्वत विश्वास और शून्य तर्क है जो आप दोनों ने एक दूसरे से वादा किया था! सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक! अब लड़ना बंद करो!
71. अपने जीवन के प्यार से जुड़ना स्वयं भगवान की ओर से एक उल्लेखनीय उपहार है! सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक! आप दोनों को आगे की यादगार यात्रा की बधाई!
72. आपको सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक! जिस क्षण आपने एक-दूसरे की उंगलियों के चारों ओर अंगूठियां लपेटी थीं, आप जीवन भर एक साथ चिपके रहे!
73. भले ही मैंने आपको शादियों से दूर रहने की चेतावनी दी थी, फिर भी आप आगे बढ़े और अपने जीवनसाथी से सगाई कर ली! तो हैप्पी इंगेजमेंट एनिवर्सरी!
74. मेरे पसंदीदा जोड़े को सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक। आपका दिन मंगलमय हो और आपके खुश मील के पत्थर का एक अच्छा उत्सव हो!
75. सबसे अद्भुत जोड़ी को, सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक। मैं ईश्वर से आपके सफल रिश्ते के लिए प्रार्थना करता हूं। भगवान आप दोनों का मार्गदर्शन करें और आपको शांति और खुशी दें।
76. आप दोनों को सगाई की सालगिरह मुबारक! आप पर ईश्वर के निरंतर आशीर्वाद और दया के अलावा कुछ नहीं चाहते। आपका विशेष बंधन आपको अपार खुशियों की ओर ले जाए!
77. Wishing you a long and magnificent coexistence during this stupendous event. Best engagement wishes my dearest friend!
78. Love makes life as we know it possible, and for your situation, it is by all accounts turning at a decent clasp. All the best on your
79. Who would’ve believed that you folks would keep going for such a long time? Simply joking, that’s what I knew. You are a perfect pair, and nothing can fundamentally have an impact on how both of you are associated.
80. I’m so fortunate to know such an astonishing couple as you folks. I appreciate your engagement, and you are my good example with regard to connections.
Best Engagement Quotes for Friend
81. Wishing you numerous long stretches of understanding and supporting one another. Congrats!
82. Allow your adoration to be warm and brilliant, let it sparkle consistently, and be a model until the end of us! Cheerful anniversary!
83. May your affection be ceaseless, and may your lives are overflowing with satisfaction, and Congratulations on your engagement anniversary!
84. Genuine affection united you and gave you this large number of blissful years in your day-to-day existence. Blissful Engagement Anniversary my number one couple.
85. Congrats on one more year of adoration, chuckling, and satisfaction. Here’s to wishing you a lot more and a happy engagement anniversary.
86. In life’s experience, satisfaction may be your objective. Good health! Blissful Engagement Anniversary to a good friend!
87. Your blissful marriage has been going on for a long time and this is the best illustration of how solid love is. All the best to one of the sort couples for your engagement anniversary.
88. Have a pleasant festival of this extraordinary second in your life. Allow it to open for you another street to the most brilliant future, brimming with goodness and amicability. Happy engagement anniversary my friend.