Every relationship is beautiful, but the mother-daughter or mother-son relationship is beyond description. Your mom was there for you through thick and thin, and it’s important to thank her for all the love and dedication she put in through the years. Remind her of your love and gratitude with these love messages for mother. Only a few bonds in the universe can compare to that which exists between a mother and her child. It is so strong, so pure, and so warm!

One of the best ways to tell your mom that you love them is through quotes. If you are looking for some beautiful I love you mom quotes, then take a look at our collection. We are sure you’ll find something that lets your mother know how much you love her.
I Love You Mom Quotes
1. You are the reason why I am where I am today, without your encouragement and advice I would not be here. I appreciate you so much, mother and I love you.
2. I wish you the most glorious things in life. I love you beyond what you can ever imagine. To me, I have never seen a treasure as expensive as you are before. I love you so much dear mother.
3. Mom, your unadulterated love is what energizes me to reach for the heights I couldn’t have attained on my own. I love you so much, Mom.
4. I am grateful for everything. You have brought me on this earth, raised me, and did everything for me. You have the first place in my heart, Mom. I’m so thankful to be under your supervision and care.
5. You’re my mom and best friend too. I couldn’t ask for a better mother-daughter relationship as we do. Never stop smiling, Mom. You look the prettiest when you smile. Love you, mama.
6. I Love You Mom; I wrote it with no spaces so there’s no room for anything else. From the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes. I love you!
7. I am not at all afraid of dying because I have already seen heaven when I rest my head on my mom’s shoulder. You are my inspiration and my favorite person. I love you so much, mom.
8. You have provided for me since I was a child, it’s my turn to give you the best. For the sacrifices you have done for me, I know I cannot repay you but I want to let you know that I love you.
9. I am willing to be like you because your heart is full of kindness and golden caring. My life will always be attached to yours because through you I had my own blood that flows in me. I love you.
10. Mother, your smile is the only thing that brings complete happiness to my soul. I feel so blessed to have an angel like you by my side. I love you forever!
I Love You Mom Quotes From Son
11. I love my mom because she gave me everything: she gave me love, she gave me her soul, and she gave me her time. The best medicine in the world is a mother’s hug.
12. Dear mom, I may not like you always. We may have arguments and fights sometimes. But there’s one thing that you should know: I love you always and forever.
13. You are a goddess and a fantastic mother. I feel lucky to be your son. I appreciate everything about you. Thank you for everything, mom.
14. You are the best person in my life and the person I need most in my life. Now I came to know that I can not spend my life without you.
15. Now I understand the love of a mother, you give your all without expecting something in return. Thank you for everything mom, love you
16. It is not easy to find someone as special as you are a mother. Upon the entire hardship, you made me smile. I say I love you.
17. You are the force that binds the very pieces of my life together. Life is so beautiful because I have a mother who is always there for me. I love you to the moon and back!
18. My mom is more than a fearless woman. She’s more than a hero. She’s more than a best friend. She’s my life. She is my best critic yet my strongest supporter.
19. I love you mom – not just because you are my mother, but because there is no one else in the world who understands me better.
20. I know that you will always be my good wishes. I know that you have a strong heart full of love for your children behind these soft hugs. Your hugs make me love you more. You are my superhero mom. I love you.
Daughter I Love You Mom Quotes
21. I have never appreciated the things you have done for me. Since now I am a grown-up, I now understand the sacrifices you have made. I love you mother!
22. Every day, I thank God for blessing me with a mother like you. You’re the best mother and daughter you would be lucky to have. My dear mom – your love is the chicken soup for my soul. I love you.
23. The way you took my care and brought me to this stage and loved me so much. I can never return the favor you have done to me. You have sacrificed everything for me. I love you for all this mommy.
24. A mother sacrifices everything, gives all, and in return expects little. The only thing that she wants is for her child to be happy, that’s what I have learned from you. Thanks for everything, I love you, mom.
25. You are the sweetest chocolate in the world and my joy is that you are simply my dear mother. A mother is a wonderful skyrocket she takes you quickly to wherever you want to go. I love you.
26. No matter how thoroughly I search this universe, I will never find a soul so selfless and a heart so compassionate like yours, Mom, I am deeply indebted to you for your amazing support and love. I love you so much!
27. Mother: There is no one like a mother and no mother quite like you. You are so very thoughtful and earning and I just want to thank you, mother. For making my life brighter.
28. Thank you, mom, for fulfilling all my dreams over the years. Your presence is a blessing in my life. You already have my heart, Mom. What else do you need?
29. You are my first and the best teacher. What you have given me is something on the next level and can not be compared with the schools and colleges. I love you, mom. Thank you for giving your love to me.
30. With you, we have argued and fought but you never lost it, you always stayed calm. You still loved me more. you bring life on earth and shape the life of that person. I love you, mom.
I Love You Mom Quotes For Facebook
31. I wish I can always be wrapped in your arms as you did when I was tender. Your kindness has really affected my life. I will always be your son forever. I love you, my dear mother.
32. Beloved Mother, your soft and comforting words have the ability to turn every dark moment in my life into complete bliss simply because you are an angel.
33. Sweet Mother, I owe the totality of my life to you for the countless things you have sacrificed to bring me this far in life. You are the sweetest mommy ever! My love for you goes beyond the grave!
34. Mom, you are the only one. Sees all, says little. Sacrifices all complain a little. Gives all, expects little. Blessed to have a mom like you. I love you.
35. I cannot describe in words what you mean to me. Thanks for always being there for me. No one can ever replace you, not now and the next million years to come. I love you, Mom.
36. I believe in love at first sight because I have loved you since the moment I opened my eyes and saw you. I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me. I love you, Mom.
37. I give a tribute to a wonderful woman in this world who works very hard to raise her children and to give them a good future. She is a superwoman and yes… SHE IS MY MOM. I love you very much, mom. You are a great woman.
38. Mom, I just want to hear your voice because you give me strength, you are my inspiration in life. You are the source of my happiness, knowing you are satisfied and happy is my dream. I love you mother.
39. You are the golden pigment of my heart, the one that feeds me when I am stranded. You are the sweetest treasure of my life, the one that God gave me to take care of me. I love you MOM.
40. If I had just a wish, all I would ask for is to walk with you all the days of my life. Dearest Mother, nothing can ever change the love that dwells in my heart for you.
I Love You Mom Quotes From Daughter
41. Mom, you were my first friend and after all these years you still have been my true loyal friend. I love you now and forever. I love you so much, mother.
42. If I could live my life once again, I would still want you to be my mother. You’re the sweetest mom ever. Thanks for your care and the support you do for us every day. We love you, mom.
43. I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine. She helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights. No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that.
44. If I have to make a perfect selfie. It would not be complete without my mom. Thank you for playing such a great role in my life. I love you, mom.
45. Thanks for raising me as a fantastic daughter. Thank you for standing beside me whatever it takes. All I want is to be your little girl forever who loves sleeping in your arms, mom.
46. Mom, I loved you yesterday, I love you still. I always have and I always will. You are my first friend, your best friend, and your forever friend.
47. A mother is someone who can bear you and hear your lies even if she knows you are lying. Mom, you are the best person in my life and you deserve nothing less than the best. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me but words are not enough to thank you.
48. You are the only one who has stuck by me since I was born. Thank you for your love and support. Thank you for supporting my dreams from the first day, I am very grateful to have you in my life, I love you Mom, mom so much.
49. I love the way you put a smile on your face because it makes you shine better than ever. I wish I could do everything possible to pay you back but realized that even the World Bank cannot pay you back.
50. When it comes to the mothers on planet Earth, you rock the most! You just don’t have a match in the world. Thank you for making me feel extraordinarily lucky to be your son/daughter. I love you!
I Love you Mom from Son
51. You have done so much for me over the years. You taught me everything about life and so much more. You are my best friend and I love you.
52. Mom, you are my root, my foundation of happiness. You’re a beautiful, strong lady both inside and out. I’m proud to be your son.
53. I can not describe my love for my mom in words. You mean the world to me. If anyone wants to know how much I love you, he has to go inside my heart. My love for you is a never-ending thing. I love you so very much mama
54. Everyone wants a better life, but no one remembers where they came from. You are the best mom ever. Thank you for everything you have given me. I love you, mom.
55. Your unending love shaped me into a better person and as such will always be happy that I have you. Maybe I was just lucky to have a wonderful woman like you as my mom. I don’t think they’re anything better than this.
56. Even if I bought you the whole universe, it wouldn’t be enough to repay you for all the extraordinary love you heap on me on a daily basis. I love you, my beloved Mom.
57. Mom, I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. But there are no words to describe how much I admire you, how much I appreciate you, how much I thank you. For everything, you’ve done. I love you.