Oftentimes, we get so caught up with taking care of our loved ones that we often neglect self-care tips for a happier life. There is nothing wrong with being there for the people we care about but we must also look out for ourselves because you can’t properly take care of anyone if you’re not doing ok.
Wishing and celebrating your own birthday is not a bad idea. Birthday is the most special day in anyone’s life. Like we celebrate any other event, birthdays are also celebrated with nice wishes and messages from friends, family and loved ones. But it is even more special when it is your own birthday.
So, you might grab others’ attention and add an extra chunk of fun to your special day by posting this happy birthday to me quotes on your social media profile while it’s your birthday!

Happy 37th Birthday
1. Today is my birthday and I’m another year closer to my death yet my family and friends are happy for me. What a terribly strange world we live in. Happy 37th birthday to myself!
2. Wishing myself the happiest birthday ever! Thank You, God, for letting me have a lovely family and celebrate my life with them! I am truly blessed! Happy 37th birthday to myself!
3. Happy birthday to me. Thanks a lot, God for giving me another year of life! The most wonderful truth is, I’m not getting old, I’m just becoming experienced. Happy 37th birthday to myself.
4. After living another year, I’m thankful to God that he has blessed me so much- and that I’m a real blessing to others. Happy 37th birthday to myself.
5. As I am becoming more mature every year, I am starting to realize one great truth. Legends don’t come to this earth in great numbers. They are rare, just like me. Happy 37th birthday to myself!
6. You are so wonderful to me, God. I am indeed grateful for the gift of another year to my year. I am a year older today. I pray that the purpose of God creating me will be fulfilled. May I align with h
7. This year has brought me new friendships, new experiences and there are lots more in store for me to learn. I can’t wait to see what else is there for me. Happy 37th birthday to me!
8. I plan on having an amazing, awesome, super, fantastic year full of many new adventures and crazy travels! My birthday means I’m another year older and another year wiser! You better watch out! Happy 37th birthday to myself!
9. The cake is here and I’m ready to blow out all the candles as I make some wishes. Wishing myself a wonderful year ahead. Happy 37th birthday to me!
10. As the years go by, leaving their marks and memories, I begin to realize how beautiful and blissful a life it is. Happy 37th birthday to me! Wishing for many more returns of this day!
37th Birthday Quotes
11. You are another year closer to getting pain in your back but it will be fine, you live it through. There is not much I can do but to tell the world that you are the most wonderful person ever. Happy 37th birthday!
12. It’s not your 37th Birthday we are celebrating here, it’s just the 8th anniversary of your 29th Birthday. Celebrate as much as you can stand tonight, but not too much, because you are 37 years old now.
13. May your special day be surrounded with happiness, wrapped with pressure, brightened with fun, blessed with love, remembered with joy and enriched with hopes. Happy 37th birthday!
14. I still remember the first time I held you in my arms 37 years ago….so today I would just say that may God bless you my child…happy birthday!!
15. Do not be bothered by your age, it is just a number, you can do better things, you’ll do them. I hope that you will be happy for the rest of your life, that alone is the best I can wish for you. Happy 37th Birthday!
16. You inspire us to be better. You’re our favorite go-getter. You are an example for us all. You teach us how to stand tall. We’re so very thankful that you were born thirty-seven years ago today. And we wish you good things, more than words could say! Happy 37th birthday.
17. Smile is a curve that sets everything straight and wipes wrinkles away. Hope your birthday brings a lot of smiles and joy. Happy 37th birthday!
18. I would like to give my heartiest wishes and pray to God that you be blessed with every good thing in this world…happy 37th birthday my dear.
19. Happy 37th birthday, may you keep on being the best person I have ever met time and time. I am thankful I got to know your coz you made my life worth living, thank you very much, boy.
20. Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty-seven! I remembered your birthday but as a true friend I forgot your age!
Happy 37th Birthday to Me
21. Keep that confidence you have and just live better, you know yourself best, happy 37th birthday! I will never forget your bday coz you are my best friend, but age does not matter much. Happy 37th birthday!
22. Thirty-seven wishes are being sent your way. Thirty-seven wishes to brighten up your day. Thirty-seven wishes to show you that you’re loved. Thirty-seven wishes because you’re a gift from above. Thirty-seven wishes, one for each year. Thirty-seven wishes because you are very precious, and so very dear!
23. On this very special day I’d like to say to you I hope your birthday’s filled with love and all your dreams come true. Happy 37th birthday!
24. This is a day which has been 37 years in the making, so let us celebrate this day in style…!! Happy birthday my dear.
25. I am happy that you are in my life and for that I want to wish you a happy 37th birthday, man. Everyone cherishes you simply because you are adorable, may you have the best birthday ever, Happy 37th birthday!
26. Happy Birthday, you wear thirty-seven well! If I am the beast, then you are my Belle. Beautiful doesn’t begin to describe just how you are to me! And I wish you all the joy, and all of the happiness, that there could ever be!
27. Happy birthday my dear friend. Wishing you a birthday filled with sweet moments and wonderful memories. Happy 37th birthday!
28. When I asked the shopkeeper to show me something to give to my friend who is turning 37…he smiled and handed me an anti-aging kit…:P happy birthday my oldie goodie!!
29. Happy 37th, you are one of the people who stayed in my life through everything, thank you so. I lift this glass of wine to you and for your hospitality and friendship, have a great birthday celebration.
30. A few years ago, I fell down on the street and people laughed at me. However, today I fell and everyone was in a state of panic. I guess this means I’ve become an Old Timer. Happy 37th birthday to me!
Happy 37th Birthday Wishes
31. My life is way more interesting than I could ask for at this age. I’m happy that I was born like me, not like anyone else. Happy 37th birthday to me!
32. Happy 37th birthday to the most unique person in the world; me! I know that many people along with my stupid friends will not come to my birthday party because I’ve told everyone to bring a gift to enter my birthday party.
33. I believe that I am the equivalent to a fine wine or a delicious old cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older today! Happy 37th Birthday to me!
34. Growing up is the best journey that I’ve ever embarked on. I enjoy my life and I enjoy being alive all the time. May the blessings of God be with me forever! Happy 37th Birthday to Me!
35. May this new age bring me more grace to succeed in all ramifications of my being even unto all of God’s will for my life. I am indeed grateful to the Lord. Bless me and keep me to see more years ahead in good health, wealth and joy. Hurray! Happy 37th birthday to me.
36. If I could make a wish right now, it would be to be heard screaming across the universe just to show how happy I am. Happy 37th birthday to me!
37. Today is my Big Day, and I’m proud to announce to the world that I don’t look a day over my actual age. Isn’t that awesome? Happy 37th birthday to me.
38. Today I want to be grateful for a life spent in grace and favor as I celebrate the most special day of my life. Happy birthday to myself! Happy 37th Birthday to the most amazing person I know, myself!
39. A birthday celebration is awesome, but I don’t need someone to throw me a grand party to make myself feel special. I can celebrate on my own and still be happy. Happy 37th birthday to me!
40. You always inspired people to be better and for that alone I am so proud of you already, dear. Happy 37th birthday, growing older looks really beautiful on you, so just keep doing all of it.
37th Birthday Quotes for Myself
41. Don’t you rest, sleep, or slumber! Thirty-seven is just a number! You’ve got spunk and you’ve got verve! You’ve got sass and you’ve got nerves! So, here’s some birthday wishes to share some happiness. I’m going to make this short and snappy. May your day be filled with delight! And may your year be out of sight!
42. Our world always needs reminders of those special days. But your birthday is a day which is unforgettable and very special to me. Happy 37th birthday!
43. Hey buddy…I got a special gift for you on your 37th birthday. It is called ‘secrets of staying young’… hahaha I guess you need it now…happy birthday!!
44. May you have the best birthday ever because you are always so kind & diligent wherever you are. There aren’t even enough things I can say to tell the world how magical being with you is. Happy 37th birthday!
45. Happy 37th birthday! Another year closer to gray hair, wrinkles and pain in the back. Congratulations on the start of another journey around the sun. Enjoy the next 365 days!
46. A birthday is just the beginning of another journey with the spacecraft called earth. Enjoy the trip!! Wishing you a Happy 37th birthday!
47. Since we still fight the same way, we used to when we were young…it was hard for me to believe that you’re turning 37 today…many many happy returns of the day dear!!
48. And still, those who know you adore you for you are always kind and generous, bday man. You still got that nerve and I am happy you never lost sight of who you really are, happy 37th birthday.
49. It’s not your 37th Birthday we are celebrating here, it’s just the 8th anniversary of your 29th Birthday. On your 37th birthday I send you congratulations and wishes that all your hopes for the 38th year will come true.