Wishing and celebrating your own birthday is not a bad idea. Birthday is the most special day in anyone’s life. Like we celebrate any other event, birthdays are also celebrated with warm wishes and messages from friends, family and loved ones.
Birthday celebrations always pose to be a day of reassurance to us even if things are not so soft and comfortable at that moment. And when it is a birthday for the 40s celebrant this shouldn’t be an exception. You should use the chance and let them know how much they have touched and impacted your life.
Here are nice happy 44th birthday message for yourself and other celebrants.

Happy 44th Birthday Funny
1. As a gentleman of good education, I naturally thought of your birthday. However, I’ve forgotten your age – was it 37 or 38 years?
2. You are about sixteen thousand one hundred eighty two and a half days old. Happy 44th birthday!
3. Congratulations on your 44th Birthday. If anyone says you are getting old, hit him with your walking stick and throw your teeth after him!
4. No, you’re not 44 years old – you are 32 with 12 years experience!
5. OK, how’s your birthday and happy 44th , now stop nagging. Happy 44th birthday!
6. Oh, it is my new birthday now because I found you, the most wonderful gift from the heavens!
7. 44 years old is a time for Reflecting and glancing one more stage preceding an assertion to handle the remainder of your lifespan to help change the world. Happy 44th birthday!
8. Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t change your individual spirit according to the latest style. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. Happy 44th birthday!
9. Happy 44th birthday to the most beautiful, talented, loving, and caring person in the world. May all your wishes be granted.
10. Hearing your angelic voice sing to me the happy 44th birthday song makes me so happy.
Happy 44th Birthday
11. You are turning 44. Oh yes you are turning 44. I really think so. Wishing you heaps of surprises on your birthday! Happy 44th birthday!
12. I wish that all your wishes will come true this year because you spend most of your time making other people’s wishes come true. Happy 44th birthday. I love you, dear.
13. I’m so grateful to have you as a friend. May God increase you in wisdom and strength. Happy 44th birthday, my dear friend.
14. Your birthday is another occasion… to shower you with sweet love! Wishing you a day filled with love and happiness. Happy 44th birthday!
15. To the best father in the world, a very happy 44th birthday. May this special day be filled with joy, love, and happiness. I also hope that you will like my birthday gift. I made it from scratch! Love you, Dad!
16. For your 44th Birthday I send you greetings and a hug. I hope you get many great gifts and have a great day!
17. I feel so good to have you as a friend over the years. You have always extended the hands of friendship to me at all times. I love what you do. Happy 44th birthday dearest friend.
18. I want to remember how you say “happy 44th birthday”, so I’ll be happy a few years later.
19. Happiest of birthdays to me. Happiest of birthdays to me. Oh yes, happiest of birthdays to me. What’s that—you want to wish me a happy 44th birthday?
20. The faithfulness of the Lord shall never cease in my life. All the good things will be provided for. Happy 44th birthday to me. I am deeply grateful to Him.
Happy 44th Birthday To Me
21. I thank God for the value added over the years and I pray that God’s blessings will never cease in my life. Happy 44th birthday to me!
22. Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday wishes! My cup overfloweth with tremendous gratitude and love for each and every one of you! Happy 44th birthday to me!
23. I’m so happy to have experienced his faithfulness over the years. I can boldly say that I have been blessed by the Lord. May His grace abide with me always. Happy 44th birthday to me!
24. The work of my hands is blessed. My efforts to prosper shall always prevail. The love of God shall distinguish me amongst many. Happy 44th birthday to me!
25. Happy 44th Birthday from me to I! It’s time to party because I’m superfly! Cheers to a brand new year full of laughter, love and new friendships!
26. I thank God for another fruitful year ahead. May His fullness be mine now and always. Happy 44th birthday to me!
27. My prayer for myself on this day is that l will not regret my new year which begins this day. Happy 44th birthday to me.
28. Every single day, I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming up such incredible, giving friends and family! I’m so grateful to have people like you in my life! Happy 44th birthday to me.
29. I don’t know about others, but my life is completely beautiful. I am glad to be a year older today. Happy me, happy 44th birthday to me!
30. I am destined for something bigger. a life of fulfillment and abundant success. This is a new year to live out my destiny. Happy 44th birthday to me.
44th Birthday Quotes
31. It was a fantastic day for a birthday! Plenty of laughter and fun had by all. You truly know how to make a girl feel so special! I can hardly wait to see what adventures this year will bring! Happy 44th birthday to me.
32. I shall not lack any good thing. My labor shall not come to naught. On this day, as I mark another year in my life, I will have memorable events to talk about. Happy 44th birthday to me.
33. I believe that I am the equivalent to a fine wine or a delicious old cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older today! Happy 44th Birthday to me!
34. It is not unusual to hear bad news in the wake of each day. I’m thankful to be numbered amongst the fortunate. Happy 44th birthday to me.
35. I know that I don’t say it all the time, but you mean the world to me. I love you with all my heart. I love you so much. Happy 44th birthday.
36. Will you let me dance the happy 44th birthday song with the beautiful birthday girl like you?
37. I found purpose in our friendship over the years. I can boldly say you are a divine partner. May God always be your friend and answer you whenever you call on Him. Happy 44th birthday, dearest.
38. It’s cool that you gained another year and also gained wonderful people like me in your life. Happy 44th birthday.
39. Happy 44th birthday! I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, but Penny insisted that I reveal it was your 44th birthday! So, Happy 44th birthday!
40. Congratulations on your 44th Birthday! I wish that all your dreams and wishes come true, before you reach the big 50!
Happy 44th birthday wishes
41. I thought of good ideas for you, but you already gave me the smile of your birthday. Your birthday smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.
42. Hi, Mom! I just want to tell you that you make this world such a beautiful place. I love being at home because you make it so warm, cozy, and beautiful. You truly are the best. I love you, and happy 44th birthday!
43. Don’t stop smiling, I want to capture your birthday grin and wrap it like a gift of memory. I love you, and happy 44th birthday!
44. Happy Greetings on your 44th birthday! It’s great to feel young and dynamic. Can you remember? Today you are another year closer to the 50 milestone!
45. I wish you a birthday that you will remember for a very long time. May this birthday be filled with love, wonder, and laughter. Most of all, delicious home-cooked food! I love you, Mom! Have a happy 44th birthday.
46. I will write your birthday wish at this magical note in the hope that you will be invited to be mine. I want you to smile all night, so I’ll sing your birthday serenade right away.
47. Wear your birthday suit and sing your happy 44th birthday song all through the night. I can be your wonderful gift for tonight and sing you a happy 44th birthday song!
48. I actually wanted to send something sweet for your birthday, but I did not fit in the envelope! All the best for my 44th birthday!
49. Happy birthday to the best friend anyone could ever imagine. Thank you that you are here for me now and for the next 44 years to come!