The greatest gift you can give to people and loved ones around you is appreciating their special days and wishing them all the best you can ever think of.
Most of these people may be far away but your words of love can reach them anywhere in the world. Your thoughtful words of appreciating their person will linger in their hearts for as long as you can imagine.

70th birthday is an important milestone. A 70-year-old has experienced rain and shine in life. So, celebrate the occasion by sending 70th birthday messages, and make the septuagenarian feel special. At this age, they have experienced joy, success, love, failure, pain, and most importantly, an eventful life.
Hence, it marks a special occasion for the person and everyone close to them. So, take the opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate their wise words and valuable company by sending these funny birthday messages.
Happy 70th Birthday Funny
1. Turning 70 means two things: You survived the 60s and you survived your 60s! Happy 70th Birthday!
2. I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone how old you are, but I think people might figure that out when they see the picture of your birthday cake, which I posted on Facebook. Happy birthday!
3. You know you’re getting old when your candles cost more than your cake! Sassy, classy, and still kickin’ assy!
4. called the fire department. I am planning to light all the candles that represent your age And I am afraid we might get a fire for all those candles. Happy 70th Birthday!
5. Happy 70th birthday! 70 really suits you! Can I wear your 70-year-old suit?
6. Despite all the advances in medicine, there is still no cure for the common 70th birthday.
7. They say forgetfulness is a sign of old age, so use absentmindedness as an excuse to forget how old you are and do something you enjoyed doing when you were a teenager. Have a happy 70th birthday!
8. Age is just a number, in your case a really high one! So I will advise you to live your life and forget your age. Happy 70th birthday anyway.
9. Happy 70th birthday to you. I’m curious to know how it feels to have lived almost three-quarters of a century?
10. Happy 70th birthday! It’s far, far better to be young at heart at 70 than heavy-hearted at 20.
Happy 70th Birthday Wishes Funny
11. You’re a grown-up. You’re smart. You’re classy. You’re far too open-minded to be minding a present from me. Happy birthday!
12. Your wrinkles point to a great life and strong teeth, so what happened to your teeth? Playing with every toddler in your family told me that you are close to 70. Happy Birthday, Big Kid!
13. Happy 70th birthday! Don’t be sad about your age. In dog years, you’d just be 10 years old.
14. Now that you’re in your 70s, it’s time to grow up and stop acting like an irresponsible 60-year-old! Happy 70th Birthday!
15. When you hit your seventies, you start getting congratulated again for not having to wear a diaper. People say, “You did it! You made it to the bathroom!” Happy 70th Birthday!
16. It would be so grand if we could turn back the hands of time, but arthritis would probably prevent that from happening if it were possible. Have a happy 70th.
17. Congratulations on being born a long ass time ago. The Big 7-0!
18. At 70, blowing out every candle on your birthday cake is not the problem — it’s if you blow out all your dental work at the same time. Happy 70th birthday!
19. Best wishes, as you turn 70. Since you look so great, I’m wondering if you used some sort of magic iron to remove the wrinkles from your birthday suit.
20. Relax, you’re not getting old. Just getting better. At least you’re not as old as you will be next year.
Funny Happy 70th Birthday Messages
21. They say your ears and nose get bigger as you age. Meet you at the watering hole soon. Best wishes on the day you turn 70.
22. You’re not only the youngest 70 year old I know — you’re the only 70 year old I know. Happy 70th birthday!
23. You get wiser as you age and you get gray hair, so choose the hair color product you use wisely and celebrate your 70th birthday.
24. I’m never sure if I actually have free time or if I just keep forgetting shit. Cheers to 70 Years!
25. Age is a state of mind. If you consider yourself 70 years old, you’re merely 70. If you see yourself on a 70-year-old journey, you’re an explorer.
26. Happy 70th birthday! Don’t be concerned that your precious youth seems to be slipping away from you — you can’t expect to get a good hug from all your grandchildren!
27. For your 70th birthday, I told the baker to skip the candles because I figured it would be better to have more icing than wax on your cake. Enjoy your birthday!
28. You’re the man. The old man but still, the man! 70 and fabulous So many candles, so little cake.
29. Happy birthday! When you’re 70, the problem is not the fact that you’ve slowed down — it’s that everyone else hasn’t.
30. Don’t look at your 70th birthday as the glass being half empty, but if you do, fill that glass up with your favorite alcoholic beverage and get totally wasted. Cheers!
Happy 70th birthday Messages
31. Turning 70 means two things: you survived the 60s and you survived your 60s. Happy 70th Birthday!
32. Don’t mind the wrinkles but the blessings. Your candles are more expensive than your cake. Signs of aging! Happy Birthday.
33. Nothing is sweeter than you, so we don’t need a cake for your 70th birthday.
34. Happy 70th birthday! With 70 candles on your birthday cake to blow out, you won’t have to exercise your lungs for a month.
35. The problem with turning 70 isn’t so much that you slow down, it’s that the rest of the world doesn’t.
36. Party like there’s no tomorrow on your 70th birthday, and let your inner child convince everyone age is just a number.
37. The older you get. The better you get. Unless you’re a banana. And remember, age gets better with wine.
38. Don’t forget to wear your glasses when it’s time to blow your cake, your eyesight is so poor you might blow the wrong candle. Happy Birthday!
39. Happy 70th BirthDay! Now, your opinion matters in every matter.
40. Happy birthday to a 70-year-old who could teach any 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 years old what it means to be young at heart.