Your husband’s birthday is the happiest day to show him how much you love him and how much you care for him. But if you are having a tough time on how to prove your love for him that day. Here are some happy birthday messages and letters that you can send to your husband on his birthday. Kindly scroll down and choose any one you like and send to him.
Happy Birthday To My Husband Letter
To my darling husband,
This is a beautiful day to make it all about you and to celebrate the most wonderful person’s birthday! you’re one of the kindest people I could ever meet and I am so lucky to be able to call you my husband. Words can never describe how lucky I am to have you in my life and especially to be by my side, you are my source of my happiness and we have made so many incredible memories.
I look over so many of our photos, good and bad because even behind those bloody ugly photos of me, we have some seriously beautiful memories. I have never met a kinder, more generous, intelligent, annoying, loving and honest person in my life, you can be the most irritating person with your horrendous jokes, but I wouldn’t want you any other way.
My sweetheart,
Every morning – Every night you make me feel loved with your touch and warmth. Just your way of holding my face and looking into my eyes says it all. It makes me feel blessed when every friend of mine tells me how lucky I am to have you in my life as my soul mate. Once when I was in college my friend told me after 2 years of any marriage the romance goes away.
I actually believed her because I had seen many couples totally occupied in their careers and setting financial goals that they tend to drift apart slowly. But with you it’s been years and years – with time we have become One. You know how hard it gets to even sleep without you, forget about staying away from you. Happy birthday dear!!
Dear Baby,
I love the fact there’s a public holiday before your birthday, so we always have an in-house pre-birthday celebration. I am proud to call you my husband, you are an incredible being and I am grateful that our paths crossed. You are God’s perfect gift to me and I will be forever grateful to HIM. You are the only man who knows how to make me smile at any time, you are everything I ever wanted in a hubby and so much more. Happy birthday to my king!!!
My king,
Today you’re +1. Officially closer to 30 than 20, and yet, still younger than me (lucky duck). The years are ticking by, and I love spending all of them with you. I love the way you love others with all that you have, know all the words to the oldest country songs, and can’t make it through the evening without falling asleep on the couch. I love your passion for learning new things, teaching middle school kiddos (who think you’re the coolest), and inviting people into our home on a regular basis.
I love that you’re not afraid to tackle anything, no matter if it’s gardening indoors, sewing pontoon boat seats, or navigating the streets of Venice with me. And most of all? I love getting to sit back and watch you rock at basically everything from a distance, then point and say, “That’s my husband.” You make me proud.
My Beloved husband,
Look who is getting one year older now? It is time to add an extra candle to your birthday cupcake, make new wishes and fill this extraordinary moment with all my love. You are my motivation, peace, and security. It feels so snug when you hold me in your muscular arms.
May our happy life together be even better in the next year. I should round up my message because I want to kiss you and say Happy Birthday to my beloved husband and the most excellent person in the whole universe. Your happy wife.
Birthday Letter For Husband
My love.
I’m so happy to be married to you. When I sit and think about you the amount of love I feel is overwhelming. You know when someone passes away and you look back and remember all of the best things about them? You appreciate them like you never have before? That’s how I feel when I write about you.
It gives me the space and distance to sit and think about how truly grateful I am for you. To think about who you are and who God created you to be. Happy birthday to my lovely husband…
MR incredible,
God has given me such an incredible, faithful, strong, steadfast life partner. There are times when I am floored by the bond that one human can have with another, and I’m floored that I get to experience it. Plus, he’s handsome, talented, brilliant, etc., so those are all just cherries on top of this big blessed bowl of ice cream. ????
He’s such a source of sunlight in my life. More ice will form, inevitably, but he’s got that symbolic space heater on high blast, and I thank God for him every day. I’m not sure what I did to deserve this Sun in my life. I just hope that I can provide a fraction of light and warmth to him as he gives to me. Happy birthday, babe.
Dear Husband,
My love for you has grown more than I ever imagined possible over the last 10 years. You have always been and will be my forever. I have not always been the wife you deserve, but one thing remains true – I always pray for you. I pray for Peace. We have been through our share of difficult times in the past 10 years and I pray that God will continue to give you peace as we go through more. Happy birthday sir!!
My sweetheart,
It’s your birthday today! I want to totally reassure you that you’re second-to-none and that my heart beats only for you alone, and nobody else in this world. You’re lovable, generous, kissable, kind, compassionate, gifted and talented, honest, thoughtful, respectful, and reliable.
Thank you for all your warm touches and sweet kisses and for being so very romantic, it is a rarity nowadays. You are the one and only for me. I thank you for your great love and care. You are my pride, something to always mention in a conversation with a smile on my face. I love you so very much. I’m so lucky to have you as my other half.
Dear Husband,
Today is your day. We pause on THIS day, to celebrate YOU. Your birth. Your journey. Your life. Ever since we were an ‘item’, we have never been into real public displays of affection. Sure, we would hold hands in public, but much beyond that, we weren’t really comfortable with it. Even when it comes to gushing about each other online in this social media crazed era, neither of us tend to do so, like so many of our peers do.
But today, since it is YOUR day, I thought I would take the opportunity to openly ‘gush.’ So get over the awkwardness of this right off the bat, sit back and enjoy your celebration!
Happy Birthday Husband Letter
My King,
You are a great dad and our daughter adores you, I love the way you relate with her, she is lucky to have you. I appreciate our friendship, indeed you are my true friend. You are amazing and I love the way you love me, my Don Corleone, my energizer, my confidant and adviser.
My hype man, if other men hype their wives the way you do, the world would be more peaceful. You believe in me even in times I don’t, you are a wonderful support system. You strive to make me better, your encouragement are immeasurable. My world is colorful because I have you in it, you are all the definitions of witty, which are all good for me. Happy birthday to you my king!!
My lifetime companion,
I appreciate every year of our faithful family life. I still treasure the day of our wedding in my memory as if it happened yesterday. I was thrilled back then. And I am pleased today since I can share my passion, thoughts, ups, and downs of life with you.
Someone has once said that every person is like a book. And you acknowledge what a bookworm I am! I love to study you like a book every minute, every day, every moment of our days together. It appears to me that this book should be over by now, yet when I turn over a page, I have no idea how many more pages I am left to read. HBD sir…
My dearest husband,
You are an encouragement by nature. You believe in people and support them, regardless of circumstance. This has always been true in our relationship. There have been many dreams and ideas that I have chased over the past 10 years and you ALWAYS supported them. Not only did you support me, but you listened, gave your input, and encouraged me every step of the way. Thank you … I love you for that.
Your positivity is infectious! You see the glass ‘half full’ and always choose to see the good in every situation. It’s hard to find someone that’s always in a good mood (even in the wee hours of the morning!) … but I appreciate it so much!
My sweetest husband,
You taught me the true meaning of love. I never imagined that this is what love could look like. And I owe everything to you. You showed me what love is. You let me discover this very special feeling of loving and being loved. How can I thank you enough?
Let me also thank you for being you. Always remember, you are all I need. You are you and I appreciate you. You know, I can fill all the pages of a book with the reasons why I love you and why you’re special. But it would just take a lot of my time, which I’d rather spend with you. Happy birthday to you my cutie pie!!
My love,
Today is your special day, the day when the best man on the planet was born! I’m beyond happy and am so glad that you’re a vital part of my life. Thanks for giving me your heart and your soul. Thanks for giving me so much attention and care even without special occasions. I know that it has kept our marriage flourishing, thriving and healthy. You’ve also turned our relationship into a fun and enjoyable life journey.
Thank you for all the sweet memories we’ve shared together from the moment when we first started dating to now when we continue to enjoy each other’s company. The moment of your coming into my life has been truly sublime and filled with sheer happiness. Have a wonderful birthday, my dear husband!
Romantic Birthday Letter For Husband
My Sweet Husband,
Today you enter your late 30’s! I have to celebrate YOU and that makes me so happy. You never like to be in the spotlight nor do you love attention, so that’s what makes today especially fun Since we aren’t a couple that is big on PDA…I thought I would openly ‘gush’ over you because that’s what birthdays are for!
First off, I’ll just start by saying that you are the absolute best person I know. You are caring and welcoming … non judgmental and forgiving … steady and strong. I have had the privilege of being around you for awhile now, and you are the same today as you were 10 years ago when our friendship first began; the same sweet man with a quiet yet strong presence and a warm heart.
Dear husband,
First, I would like to say I love you and I hope you know that. You are my strength, my shield, and my safe haven. There’s nobody in this world that could ever replace you. Thank you for the fruitful years you’ve shared with me. You gave me such a beautiful life. You surround me with love and attention that no one had given me before.
Thank you for putting up with my weaknesses. I know I can be difficult at times, but there you are, always cheering me up and doing the best you can to understand and help me. Why are you so sweet? I want you to know that you mean the world to me. I know you always say I am your sunshine, but please know that you are my light. You make me smile. You brighten my days. With you, I see no darkness. Happy birthday my love!!
My Darling,
You’re an absolute kid at heart, especially with your jokes and that is something that makes me fall in love with you all over again, it’s like we are newlyweds all over again even though we’ve been married 2 years and together almost 5 and a half.
Over the last 5 and a half years we have had so many amazing things to happen to us, and I feel like we have so many beautiful things to happen to us in the future, moving, having children and creating a beautiful life together!
You never fail to make me smile & not only that your belief and faith in me has been incredible, you have had my back from day one, you’ve protected me, loved me, supported me and been honest with me no matter what. I honestly wouldn’t be here without you, you are my absolute rock. You always inspire me to be a better person, to never stop achieving, to keep going, to forgive and to enjoy the present.
My Prince charming,
We have been by each other’s side in all the rough situations all through the time. You remember the first romantic song that you sang to me. It’s so fulfilling to see how both of us have supported each other at times when we needed each other the most. The real test of any relationship comes when you see someone you loved the most by your side. It’s so gratifying how both of us value the commitment towards our relationship. Happy birthday.
My love,
I want you to know that I think you’re the best guy in the world. That even when I’m cranky or passively-aggressively making a statement about cleaning or something stupid, that I’m so completely head over heels for you. That I wake up daily still not completely sure why you chose me, especially when I’m so good at revealing my selfish side on one too many occasions. And that I truly believe with all of my heart that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me on this side of eternity. HBD enjoy your day to the fullest…
Letter For My Husband Birthday
I want to start by saying that you are probably one of the best people I know. Hands down. While you’re not the flashiest, smoothest or most musically inclined person out there, you are overall one of the greatest humans on this planet. And I don’t think I’ve said that to you enough times.
There aren’t many people in this world that can get along with anyone. You are one of the rare exceptions. While I sometimes struggle to find common ground with certain people, you don’t. I’ve known you for over 14 years now, and it’s remarkable how you can get along, so easily, with quite literally ANYONE.
Hey Dear,
Every minute I’ve spent with you has actually been absolutely nothing short of phenomenal. You are such a kind, thoughtful, and oh so good-looking hubby. Happy birthday celebration to the love of my life. There is nothing much better in life than having a spouse as outstanding as you. Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face and laughter to my lips. May your birthday be loaded with unlimited bliss.
Happy birthday to my hubby that always makes me feel great and also solid. Thanks for always relying on me. May you really feel how valued you are on your birthday celebration as I do by you. I love you!!!
Sweetie pie,
You always come through for me. I’ll always be here for you, as you have for me, you have proven your love for me again and again. For all your thoughtfulness, your kindness, your patience, your endurance, love and care I say thank you. You mean the world to me and I love you with all my heart. Thank you for everything you do and will continue to do for our family. On this wonderful day of your birthday I pray God will continue to bless and increase you in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!